And So Its Come to This........... a Blog

Why bother with creative original content when one can post the minutiae of a numbingly average life?

Friday, September 16, 2005

.....I know, I found it in google and it deeply disturbed me.

Right, lets try this again. I am a freshman at Castleton State College, I'm hoping to be a History major and you know what? Everyone thats going to read this already knows me. So I'll cut with the bullshit.

I'm doing all right for now, getting settled in and things have almost settled to the point of monotony. Hurrah for progress. I am especially bored today because everyone (i.e. Taylor, Katie, Shwan, Troy and most likely Ryan) has left for the weekend. My shield is gone! I have to fend for myself now. And it just plain sucks. :angst:

I spend most of my time in my room, nursing an addiction to the internet (not helped at all mind you by Firefox's Stumble program) and listening to music. Right now I am addicted to The Sugarcubes and Bjork, which confuses me. I'm surprised at how good this stuff is.

So now I want to go to Iceland because obviously this one band reflects the entire attitude and lifestyle of an entire nation.

I had to spend $600 on books.

That deserves its own paragraph - don't you DARE judge me!

Anyway, the classes I like are English Comp. and American Politics and Government. I'm surprised too, but politics are interesting!

I pretty much loathe Spanish and Cultural Geography, one because I can't grasp it the other because the teacher is boring-think:

Yes. It is that bad, on the first day of class, he told us about how for fun he researched when most of the stone walls in Vermont and he discovered that WOW they were built when sheep-farming was the biggest 'industry' during the early to mid 1800's. I was fascinated. My fifth class is a history course, but I'm not sure about it yet. The Professor is a combination of Zielinski and Lancaster, but she has a tiny grip on reality. The class is boring so far but I think it has potential. Some anyway.

Now its time to pass through roomate land, most (if not all) of you know that my roomate is Taylor. He's getting along fine and we're not hating each other yet so all is good all is well. Hopefully. The other six people in my suite seem like cool people, I just need to get to know them better, which knowing me won't be until graduation. Right next door is the RA, Ray (who introduced me to stumble....damn him) and his roomate Matt. They are both upperclassmen but the rest are freshmans. Mike and Eric live across the common room, Mike's from Mass. near Boston and Eric's from Fall Mountain. And Shawn from BF is in the last room with his roomate Kevin who only shows up to sleep, otherwise he's partying and I assume classes. They're all pretty cool people though. No random goths or social misfits (excluding myself, lol very funny am i rite?!1).

I'll get to other people of interest in another post, I accidently deleted half of this one and had to retype it. I am a very impatient person right now. So, thank you for reading this much, or skimming this far, its all good.

Read you later! (I know, I died a little inside writing that)



At 10:00 AM, Blogger Laurel said...

i should really be doing some homework right now. still, i had to just tell you that reading your post made me happy.. and perhaps a little sad but that's just because i'm hormonal, and suffering slightly from what i like to call post traumatic stress disorder- being torn away from home and school and friends and forced to understand genetics. much love!

At 12:27 PM, Blogger Myles said...

I have to do alot of homework too but its for Spanish and Geography and I don't want to upset myself this early in the day. I have to head off to work in an hour. I'm getting a little homesick, but nothing serious yet. hang in there!

At 7:34 PM, Blogger Leah said...

Myles, what's the last name of this "Matt" ? I know a Matt at Castleton....not that there aren't a lot of Matt's in the world.

Oh, by the way, one of my friends was in Thiland with Ian!!! (She's from Bennington) Wow for coincidence and the wonderfulness of small Vermont!!!


At 9:58 PM, Blogger Myles said...

I don't know his last name, and he's not here so I can't ask. I'll try to find out for you just in case he is the one you know.

At 11:54 PM, Blogger Jess-Beast said...

Hey Myles-
I have just exhausted myself with school spirit so forgive the randomness tha tinsuses! YAY FOR RANDOM!!! But it's 12am and just thought I'd say "HIIIIIIIIIIIIII"- so yeah!
I need sleep
Loves ya muches

At 1:20 AM, Blogger Myles said...

Hi Jess, you just missed out on my new post. You didnt miss much.
I'm too tired for new words

At 7:14 PM, Blogger Leah said...

That's not a typo for "Tissues" ?


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