And So Its Come to This........... a Blog

Why bother with creative original content when one can post the minutiae of a numbingly average life?

Saturday, September 17, 2005

The Sugarcubes FTW!!!!!

Right, as I mentioned in my previous post, I :heart: The Sugarcubes. I strongly suggest you get some of their stuff. It is most excellent. It sucks that they broke up (why do I keep finding bands only after they've been gone for more than a decade?). I've been listening to them for several days and I'm not begining to tire of their awesomeness. I could rant for several hundred thousand words in this same manner, boring you all to hell. Because you know what? You could care less as to what I'm listening to, which is cool.

This weekend is so far what I expected, I stayed in my room until it was time to go to work and after I got out, I went back into my room.

I need to learn how to mingle. Growing up in Westminster made it so I can't really cope without a security network of people I've known my whole life to cling too. The problem is theres nothing productive to do! Everyone else still here is as bored as I am, instead of the internet, they have Maddon Football for the X-box. Oh, and speaking of the internet I found this really strange webcomic. I had to stop reading it at work because I was in danger or bursting into laughter. No matter how lenient they are, its still not the BF library where one could laugh freely.

On another topic, I really need to clean my room. Or at least my half. Its like someone drew a perfect line between me and Taylor's halves, his being orderly and neat, mine being buried in newspapers, cans, little cebbies wrappers and laundry....which I need to do by the way, I'm out of socks. Oddcouple anyone?

I'm really not interesting right now. Its been a boring weekend, and I've successfully put off two major essays (ones just a rewrite, the other I have no clue) until now, so I shouldnt be doing this at all, but somehow I'm finding I could care less. (I can hear your heads shaking! What did I say about judging!) They'll get done in time. In theory.

As I may have mentioned, I have to read the New York Times for a class, and its been making me think about whats happening right now. With the tragedy of Hurrican Katrina, the potential appointment of Roberts for Supreme Court Justice, and the everpresent conflicts in Iraq, I'm not sure whats going to be the result of all this. Its just so much bad news, thousands dead, corruption of charities, reversal of Roe v. Wade, suicide bombings, failure of government....Its just makes me sad. I would like, just once, for there to be a headline saying "LITTLE GIRL LOVES HER KITTEN" or something. Geeze, this blog is making me all emo. i should have started this post with a picture of Dashboard Confessional or Linken Park. I wish I knew how to say what my feelings are about the world right now. But all I can do is ramble on and on, not really saying anything. :(

Well I'm boring, and tired, so here's some pictures of Bjork for content:

I was going to put the middle one on top of the post, but its disturbing....actually all the pictures are. Enjoy.

I'll post more when I have something of interest to say.


At 10:46 PM, Blogger Laurel said...

actually, i loved this post. what happened to the rumors of college being one huge party? oh yeah, you have to like getting stoned off your ass and drunk out of your mind... damn just that one little hickup. owell.

At 11:04 PM, Blogger Myles said...

I know, geeks should be able to party too.
Meh, I'll have my own peace + quiet party, forget them! pfft.

At 1:07 AM, Blogger Laurel said...

yes.. grumpy old men have their parties too. they're usually held in nursing homes and involve people hurumphing at one another. (get it??,no? owell)

At 4:39 PM, Blogger Myles said...

hahahahaha, I got it.


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