And So Its Come to This........... a Blog

Why bother with creative original content when one can post the minutiae of a numbingly average life?

Monday, January 26, 2009

So, the new semester is going pretty well. I did not at all nearly finish up all the incomplete work I needed to get done but I technically have until March...hmmm...procrastination sucks.

I was moved to the top floor of my building because of staff changes and all thought it better I get a new environment even though most of the assholes who lived with me moved off campus. It was a good move I believe.

I'm looking forward to my Philosophy and Literature and Advanced Creative Writing courses. My thesis can blow me.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

So it is the last solo duty night of the semester. Tomorrow the last of the shits that are moving out are moving out and I will progress to the fourth floor.

I did end up taking incompletes in four out of my five classes - we'll see how that goes. I am very ready to go home and am not really looking forward to coming back in early january just to write more essays and do other assignments that by rights should have been done and over with. Oh well. So it goes.

I hope to see everyone this break, we really should have some kind of big thing this year because all of us can legally sit in them this year. I'm not suggesting that some of us get inebriated but I am thinking about it really hard.

Have a wonderful holiday season and good night!

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

So I got one of those cell phone dealies. You know how to get in touch with me if you want the number, I probably want yours (that doesn't mean you anonymous internet creep)!

Anyway, life is still shitty, whine mumble bitch and moan, etc., but at least I'm comfortable getting actual bad grades at this point. No more complaints about B's from me, I'm gonna see the real thing.

But graduating is the only goal in my head. GPAs don't mean anything.

I'm having fun with the cell phone at least.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Something's always wrong.

Well, no Halloween pictures will be forthcoming because I uploaded all of my pictures from my camera and wiped the near-full card afterwards. The next day my computer dies. There is no hope of salvaging anything at the moment. So I have a new laptop.

Life otherwise sucks, my suitemates are complete shitheads and the administration has reacted poorly to a situation that happened to me. Pending further meetings with further higher-ups very little is being done. I love CAing but I hate the administration and I hate the assholes that require us to have rules in the first place.

Academically, thus far this is my second-worst semester, I won't have to admin-drop any classes I don't think but I'll be dealing with a lower GPA then I've ever had before.

Blah blah blah, I'm sick of everything. How is life everywhere else?

Friday, October 31, 2008

So it's Halloween again. I'm on duty the night before, we had a building party that few people showed up in but I showed off my great costume. It's nothing original but it's very well done.

I'll have pictures later on today, or in November.

There's a big-deal ResLife conference being held the day after Halloween which sucks because we'll be loading the bus at 5:45am after a late night/early morning of debauchery. Oh, alcohol and costumes, I love Halloween.

edit: still have trouble with the job, General Managership of the radio station and schoolwork but I'm hanging in there. Riding the highs and lows y'know.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Well October Break is over and done with, and I was able to catch up with some of my assignments. The big ones anyway. I still have a lot of ground to cover as far as getting completely caught-up stands.

It was a decent break, quiet, uneventful. I went home on the last week-end. I borrowed about 50 DVDs from my brother's horror movie collection and me and some other CAs are going to cull the screening list from that. It should be a good time.

Let's see...not much as far as eventful, read-worthy interest. Oh yeah, I've decided on my costume. Me and a few other CAs are going as the Justice League. That should be worth a few pictures.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

OK. It being the end of September and all I decided I should make some kind of commentary, of the ye ol' blog network Sam has been active lately, YAY.

The CA job is going well...still no regrets I've met a bunch of cool people and I'm having a lot of fun with it. No major busts as of yet, some fights and little noise issues. Irritating and some small things string together to make for some exceptionally late nights but overall - a good experience. I am having a little difficulty with my roommate, without going into all of the details he's just a bit awkward.

Very awkward.

He's never said anything to me about it, been perfectly civil and all that - but he's just kept to basic roommate necessary pleasantries / new kid at the school questions. He tends to go lie in bed starting at 7pm or earlier and watches my DVDs (which is fine btw, he asked first). He's already gone through 4 seasons of the Office, a couple movies and is about halfway through Undeclared. He leers at girls, he takes pictures of random girls asses with his cell phone at lunch, creeping my suite out as he's eating with them (I asked him if he wanted to eat with me the first week but he always said I did my job.) And he's asked other people in the suite if I would be cool with him keeping beer in the fridge in our room. Ha. Establishing his personality, I feel free to say that he looks like a creepy backwoods molester. Just saying. My coworker accurately described him as looking like a Furby.

And there's another little creepy nugget that I really don't want to post online. But it's a good one. And not to blow my own trumpet but I've dealt with it a hell of a lot better than most people would've.

Anyway, that's that. He might be moving out soon. YES.

Classes are good...I'm a little behind but staying on campus for most of break next week will let me catch up. I'll be coming home next Thursday night, Friday morning. I hope to be getting a cell phone finally.