And So Its Come to This........... a Blog

Why bother with creative original content when one can post the minutiae of a numbingly average life?

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Meh, remember that Geography report I was doing? Of course you do because you've read every post I've ever made. But anyway, I didn't finish it. My professor was awesome about it. He's really an okay guy, he just can't lecture that well....He said I could hand in the paper tomorrow or Thursday without any penalty because the first paper I did for him rocked. (I didn't think so, but he liked it. I turned three paragraphs into 4 pages. Jessica, you've corrupted me.) So that's cool. I'm going to finish that up soon...maybe.

Today I didn't hate Spanish. I was shocked too, usually as soon as I get in to that room I think about getting out of it. But today I actually didnt mind it so much. I still don't like the class, but I'm growing more tolerant of it. She still has us do the online blackboard bullshits though. Which irks me greatly.

Since we were bored, and Shawn is willing to drive around (mostly because he had to buy The Longest Yard as soon as possible), we went to Coconuts. NEVER LET ME IN A MUSIC STORE. I'll spend all my monies. I restricted myself to the used CD section though, and I still found two gems (I know, who buys music anymore? honestly.)

The S
mashing Pumpkins - Gish for 9.99

Which I have been wanting forever, but been unable to find for under 15.00 (my personal max for music)


The Sugarcubes - Stick Around for Joy for 8.99

I've only recently gotten into this band, but they are almost impossible to find so you've got to grab this stuff when it appears. I hope this reapperance doesnt curse this post too.

Is there some signifigance that the two albums I bought, the first album from the first band I paid serious attention to, and the the other the last album of the latest artist I'm obsessed with? I should get out my tinfoil hat. We also went to the dollar store next door and bought a wiffle bat and ten balls, as well as two toy guns. Boys will be boys.

That's about all I have to say for now, I dared the kool aid again and felt fine so that homesickness has passed for now. Hopefully things are going better for Katie's suite. I really don't have anything else to say. Good night.

edit: after I finally got this thing working, I realized something. The Sugarcubes did curse this post! Damn. I can never mention them again. :(


At 2:34 PM, Blogger Laurel said...

just for the record i actually have read every post you've ever written so don't be so sarcastic, nice pic by the way

At 4:30 PM, Blogger Myles said...

Thank you. I've read all of everyone else's to, I just thought I'd be a jerk. :)

At 8:47 PM, Blogger Leah said...

I didn't realize you were being sarcastic-which is OK I guess, because no one knows when I'm being sarcastic (I think I only try to be in person)...Yeah...I've read everyone's everything...


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