And So Its Come to This........... a Blog

Why bother with creative original content when one can post the minutiae of a numbingly average life?

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Well, this being my home computer and - dial-up and all - I won't be putting up any more songs on the blog until I get back to school in mid-August. I suspect nobody downloads them anyway. The song would have been Buffalo Tom's 'Summer'

Home is home, boring. I still haven't sorted everything out, you know, what's going into the garage, etc. I've taken to filling up time by wandering back and forth in the cornfields for an hour or two every day. I really am looking forward to going back to school. Mom did get a new bird "Gizzy" (all our birds come with the stupidest names), a female yellow naped conure. It actually lets other people hold it and though it three times the size of Boo-Boo, quieter.

For work I thought I wasn't going to have a job at the Putney Paper Mill because it is apparantly near-bankruptcy and closure (gas prices for shipping, etc.) so I was going to meet with Jessica's Mom today but I got a call this morning that says they will take me on. This only a few days after I heard dozens of times how hard up they are and won't be hiring me. Go figure.

I went and saw the new Indiana Jones movie last night with Michelle - it was good, don't worry. Other little bits I'll save until other people have seen it since my most basic criticism kind of gives away too much.

It'll be a lot of fun at Ashley's birthday party this weekend. I guess I'll see most of you there...