And So Its Come to This........... a Blog

Why bother with creative original content when one can post the minutiae of a numbingly average life?

Monday, June 23, 2008

Work is going....the parade was a good time, we pulled through thanks mostly to the class of '83 helping us paint and assemble about five minutes after the parade was supposed to start, ha.

The float came out great, we won the award for funniest. So take that grand prize!

The new Weezer album is kind of eh.

Is it bad that I've been counting the days until I go back to school? I mean, this is essentially my last summer vacation and I can't wait for 49 days to pass. Sigh

I've been liking the rain though.

I impulse bought a poetry collection the other day...Sylvia Plath. Bad sign? Lady Lazarus is pretty damn awesome.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Well the job at the mill is going as smoothly as can be expected. It feels like I've never left and it sucks. Well, yeah, it sucks but its not that bad really. Even if they've canceled overtime so I don't have fat checks, but I do have free Saturdays...oh well.

Boston was loads of fun, needless to say, we should have weird sleepovers more often.

Katie, remind me to watch Temple of Doom with you.

That heatwave, holy cow. Also tornadoes in the Northeast? Maybe that hope chapel was right...dun dun dun.

Float building, it won't be a gem but it'll be cool to have made it. Also the class of '75 is sweet.

Um, I guess that's all. Mennu won't stop sitting on the keyboard, she's so needy. Eventually I'll get something done.