And So Its Come to This........... a Blog

Why bother with creative original content when one can post the minutiae of a numbingly average life?

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

OK. It being the end of September and all I decided I should make some kind of commentary, of the ye ol' blog network Sam has been active lately, YAY.

The CA job is going well...still no regrets I've met a bunch of cool people and I'm having a lot of fun with it. No major busts as of yet, some fights and little noise issues. Irritating and some small things string together to make for some exceptionally late nights but overall - a good experience. I am having a little difficulty with my roommate, without going into all of the details he's just a bit awkward.

Very awkward.

He's never said anything to me about it, been perfectly civil and all that - but he's just kept to basic roommate necessary pleasantries / new kid at the school questions. He tends to go lie in bed starting at 7pm or earlier and watches my DVDs (which is fine btw, he asked first). He's already gone through 4 seasons of the Office, a couple movies and is about halfway through Undeclared. He leers at girls, he takes pictures of random girls asses with his cell phone at lunch, creeping my suite out as he's eating with them (I asked him if he wanted to eat with me the first week but he always said I did my job.) And he's asked other people in the suite if I would be cool with him keeping beer in the fridge in our room. Ha. Establishing his personality, I feel free to say that he looks like a creepy backwoods molester. Just saying. My coworker accurately described him as looking like a Furby.

And there's another little creepy nugget that I really don't want to post online. But it's a good one. And not to blow my own trumpet but I've dealt with it a hell of a lot better than most people would've.

Anyway, that's that. He might be moving out soon. YES.

Classes are good...I'm a little behind but staying on campus for most of break next week will let me catch up. I'll be coming home next Thursday night, Friday morning. I hope to be getting a cell phone finally.