And So Its Come to This........... a Blog

Why bother with creative original content when one can post the minutiae of a numbingly average life?

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

I really don't know why I'm making a new post. Nothing is going on with me, I'm just bored I guess.
I saw Batman Begins finally (it was shown in the auditorium). It was sweet. The best Batman ever. I'm still unsure about them re-making the Batman with Joker in it. Its such a classic.
All I know is they better not mess with Batman Returns. We all know what happened then!
It is best if we do not speak of it.
Next week they're going to show Crash, which I heard was good, but I really have no idea what it's about. Have any of you guys seen it? Yay or nay?
Coming up they're going to show Hitchhiker, Amityville (IT HAPPENED!!!!), the Interpreter and others. I think I'll go see them. Movies are fun.
I got my memory essay back: A- :cool: I'm pretty happy about it. It would have been more except I have a problem with run-on's and can be vague. Who would have thought? Also, the politics test was easy, I don't know why I freaked over it so much.
Well that's all with me. Good night (or, well...good morning :p)


At 9:22 PM, Blogger Laurel said...

nay. and i'm so transfering to castleton, how do you have time to be bored???

At 10:08 PM, Blogger Leah said...

Hi Myles...reading what you write makes my day happier...I did have a good day today, fell asleep while reading the Odessey this afternoon so did my HW and got a nap in...I do really like the's abit different from the many novels for teen girls I've read....and the novel is unsuprisingly like
The Aeneid! I'm starting to see first hand what Miss Huntoon meant when she said Virgil was copying Homer...

Having fun rambling...must do home work...must do home work...I had to repeat it so you might get the way I'm saying that in my head:like a robot...

Learned about the Elusinian Mysteries (or Rites) in Rites of
Passage today...will explain, but you being Myles: he-who-knows-all-history,
I'm operating under the asumption that you know what I'm talking about....anyway...they make me think of the orgy scene in Brave New World...and I usually don't have a sick mind to connect things like that together..."We don't know what they did in the ultimate moment in the rite" just sounds like...I don't know...and these are ancient Greeks, who are similar to the ancient Romans....anyway

Enough of that ramble...

How was your weekend?

Who is this "Matt" you live with?

I guess I could just e-mail him and ask...the Matt I know...I haven't spoken to him in a month and a half...speaking of that...I've never talked to Mekan....and perhaps I should e-mail Ashley and Ian and others.

Anyway...sorry, this is long...maybe I should have e-mailed you.

I'm getting to the point where I won't let myself turn on my computer because I know then I'll write on the blogs and not get my work done...
i have ywt to say anything besides one sentence on my blog today....maybe I'll paste this in because it is long and I've bothered to write it aka: gotten distracted........

This did continues, but I'll erase it for your sake so go to my blog to hear contines for a long, long, long, long.......time....


At 11:53 PM, Blogger Myles said...

I guess I'm lucky, and also I've been slacking alot on the readings. I only skim and find bolded words.
Also, I'm ignoring a paper and hoping it will go away.

Also, I'm not at Middlebury :) I guess the professor's don't expect as much from us here. Hate to sort of bash my school, but its a bit true.


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