And So Its Come to This........... a Blog

Why bother with creative original content when one can post the minutiae of a numbingly average life?

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Well, it's about time to hit that ol' *stretch* dusty trail....

Finally, I get to go home. Before dismantling the computer I'll leave you with one more little rant. I'm the last one to leave my suite, everyone else finished their finals on Tuesday. So it's been a ghost town. I think I did well on the finals though...I just have to wait and see if I'm right. I'm exhausted from studying and staying up to late to get up for two 8am finals in a row. But that's over with for now
I can't wait to be settled in at home and reading Watership Down another time. Trying to keep the kitten from biting my feet...Christmas will be extra fun too since this is the first year I really tried to get good presents for the family.
Well, I think that's it except I sold my textbooks back to the school (big mistake) and only got about 25% of their original price back. Sigh

Enjoy your vacations people and happy holidays

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Well, for those of you who don't know yet. I shaved my head. Quite spontaneously. Taylor and Mike did it as well.
It is rather cold. I am going to need a hat and soon.
Otherwise things are going fine, I'm participating in the annual Genmay secret santa, I'm sending something to a girl in Louisiana, I just need to find an art store that has the gift (a canvas brush holder, it really is nicer then it sounds). I need to ship by Saturday. Someone had already sent my package, I sent it home though so I will have to wait to see what it is. (I am not having my parents or sister open a package from GENMAY, despite people getting banned for offensive gifts you never know...)
I'm finished with my Christmas shopping (or close enough), I need to finish up for my sisters.
Well that's all with me, I'm going to be working alot on studying for my finals (two of them are take-home essays, but they'll take some time).
Good luck with your last days before vacation everyone!

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Yep so here I am, the first weekend after vacation ended. It's going to be a looooong december. Finals are rushing up and oozing forward at the same time. My deadlines are in a bit of a, pretty much nothing is going on with me.
I really wish I could come down and see the Bellows Falls Drama performance, I was really looking forward to it too. Stupid DMV taking Katie's license. And not even for anything reasonable! Whatever.'s an old picture Troy found for me, some of you have probably seen it on myspace or facebook already but I decided to put it up again, otherwise I'd have nothing to say here.
Here is the one photograph of all of THE TABLE in it's entirety.

If we had applied ourselves we could have ruled the world