And So Its Come to This........... a Blog

Why bother with creative original content when one can post the minutiae of a numbingly average life?

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Well it's been a busy two weeks. I still need to get used to my new schedule (class and work, I keep showing up when I'm not supposed to). But it's great. My one mishap was my alarm clock, though on and set properly NOT GOING OFF. Has that ever happened to any of you? I mean really.
There's not much else going on with me, so I decided to post pics of my room (bad ones, I'll admit). No pictures of me with Jessica's hat, the batteries died before that project could get off the ground.

Here's a view of my desk, begining to clutter up

Here's my bed (notice the two rasterbated album covers :drool:), I have a thrid R.E.M.'s Automatic for the people but it's blocked. I have a spot reserved for one more but I can't think of what to do.

And here's Taylor's side, he's playing KotOR of course.

Yep, that's about it. Hope everyone's doing well.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

I wish.

Well, today was the day that it rained. It poured. And the winds did blow furious. Blah blah, EPIC. Seriously, there were two mallards swimming in one of the walkways near Wheeler. It was cool, they let you walk within a foot of them.
It was also the day I got this semester's books, a better deal than last year but still too much. Around $350. My Foundations of Education and Finite Math books cost over $100 each. A $50 dollar Readings in History and alot of cheap books for literature fill in the rest.
It's pretty cool though, first we're reading Sophocles Oedipus Cycle, then Sir Gawain, Beowolf, Midsummer's Night Dream, Frankenstein and The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Oh, and the Book of Genesis.
It should be a fun class, all of my classes don't seem too bad. My math professor is crazy...but I think I can teach myself well enough with the expensive book.

I'm reading alot of other stuff much for catching up over vacation. I've been thinking about doing drama club again. Meh.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

The internet truly does have everything. For a long time, ever since I read The Enormous Room by e. e. cummings, I've appreciated and even prefered reading editions of books published by the Modern Library. They always have very good introductions and appendixes when necessary, include all previous prefaces by the author, in the case of books such as War and Peace and Don Quixote they have readable translations and all in all, have a nice feel to them.
Anyway, there was a small (and I mean tiny) book sale at the library today and I picked up three books, two (The Possessers by Dostoyevsky and The best Short Stories of Guy De Maupassant, published in 1936 and 1925 respectively and in decent shape) just because they were modern library editions (though I intend to read them too of course). The other one, in case you're curious was a paperback of Far From the Madding Crowd by Thomas Hardy. But anyway, out of bordom I looked up the Modern Library website, very unhelpful, and I found this site.
Just when I was considering collecting them I found out there was already a large following of people who do!
I don't know, it interested me.
Now what I really want is a copy of The Enormous Room, A History of the Borgias and Jane Eyre and all the other books I've read in the 'original' hardcover modern library editions. Apparantly, even with their 'collectibility' they go for pretty cheap, usually a couple bucks at most, becuase all the nerds want the books with the dustcover and without library markings. All the better for me. I've found a hobby that interests me and doesnt take alot of money.
I'm sure you're all aglow with my happiness.

EDIT: Because I can. Pictures of my kittahs.

Mennu, and


Perhaps next time, I'll post a series of my travels with the magically unravelling adventures of Jessica's hat.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Well, vacation went by a little too fast for my tastes. I had a good time though, I was able to see pretty much everybody. And in a way, it's good to be back and doing something. Though I did get some reading done.
I did nicely on my grades (I know, I've told you all before but I feel like strutting some more). I have a 3.33 gpa. Of course it will probably go down soon but for now I'm happy. Happiness of course depends entirely upon grades.

I'm finished settling in, I just have to set up the printer. There's really not much for me to say. So I'll finish.