And So Its Come to This........... a Blog

Why bother with creative original content when one can post the minutiae of a numbingly average life?

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

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Well, it appears that there shall be no pictures for this entry. My computers being petulent. Yes, that's mispelled. I know but I'm to lazy to look up the right spelling, now that I think of it...I just need to change that second e into an a. But I'm way past that sort of thing.

I slept through both of my classes today, which is kind of sad since they're at 10 and 12. I really need to go to bed earlier.

I was going to have a picture of the stack of books I have out from the library, and have every intention of reading - eventually. Being on staff doesnt exempt me from overdue things so I have to each book back as it expires and renew it. It's very tiring, I assure you.

I recently bought The Pagemaster, Small Soldiers and The Secret of Nymh at Wal-Mart since they were in the bargain bin, oh and a bargain Fine Young Cannibals CD...I don't think I have to justify why. :o

I have no anecdotes to give I'm afraid, Shawn had his 20th b-day and we had a small party for him. No, there wasnt any drinking, though that might have been more fun. Instead we ate store cake with sickeningly sweet frosting. There's still a hunk of it leftover, we can't foist it off on anyone.

The weather is getting nicer, which is, well...nice.


At 6:56 AM, Blogger Ashley said...

Did you say "fetch"? When are you going to learn Myles that fetch just isn't going to catch on...anyway the guy that thought laurel was a good actress was actually a student, a kind of cute student (in an artsy kind of way).

If you have left over cake you can just pass it my way...wouldn't that be nice if you could pass objects over the computer, my mom would still be cooking for me every night :)

At 9:31 AM, Blogger Jess-Beast said...

You don't need to justify those purchases to me... I own most of them anyway (NIHM is actually my grandmother's, but, whatever).

At 11:37 AM, Blogger Leah said...

Oh, Myles. I visited Sam yesterday (at closing time)and one thing I told her was that I showed you my school library!!

I just had a funny image of you coming home with more books, putting them on top of this book skyscraper and then needing to return the ones on the bottom....and this happening continuously.

Or maybe, you're just so tall that you need a tall stack of books. Or, books to you are like oxygen, you can't live without enough of them there...even if you're just looking at them!

At 11:42 AM, Blogger Me said...

I wouldn't eat that cake if I were you its been sitting out on their shelf for like I dont know how long but I wouldn't eat it if I were you. (just a heads up).

At 1:02 PM, Blogger Myles said...

haha, I think you're on to something Leah. I do like having them around, it's what I miss most about my old room at home.

And I think Katie's right about the's kinda just decoration now.

At 10:47 AM, Blogger Leah said...

I have a small, carefully selected collection of books from home...I even took some of them back home at one point. I don't ever read them...but it would make me uncomfortable to not have my old friends on the shelf -in case- I wanted to read them!!!

At 9:57 PM, Blogger Laurel said...

boo! havn't posted in a bit. thought i'd drop in from no where. going home sounds nice. Olive garden is definitly cool. rock on!


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