And So Its Come to This........... a Blog

Why bother with creative original content when one can post the minutiae of a numbingly average life?

Monday, August 28, 2006

Well, here I am back at school and true to form I forgot something vital at home (despite the fact I brought practically everything I own that isnt packed away). I forgot clothes hangers so my t-shirts, sweaters and such are stuck in the duffel. Also I need to get bed risers and the school store is blissfully out of those items.

Otherwise the move went fairly smoothly. I've got everything set up perfectly except the posters which I'm putting aside until I decide whether or not to keep some of them. I haven't had a class yet (I have World History II at 1, Educational Psych at 2 and French at 4) but I did get my work schedule at the library set up. I just need to get my birth certificate...last year I got away with not giving them any identification from columns a and c for the tax forms. Not intentionally, everyone just forgot.

I haven't gotten to know all of my new suitemates yet but they seem alright, and the balcony is worth climbing up two flights of stairs.

Right now I've been busy updating all of my internet obligations (starting with genmay of course) and...that's about it.

Oh, also I forgot to call my parents last night so if Michelle is reading this tell them I'm sorry but I forgot, we were watching Flight of the Pheonix and V For Vendetta. Both of which were really really great, which was a pleasant surprise. We're going to see Snakes On A Plane on Thursday.

I'll try to update this at least every other day this year, but for now I'm finished.


At 9:56 PM, Blogger Me said...

who is your CA?

At 3:59 PM, Blogger Myles said...

A girl from Alaska who apparantly owns a polar bear...and don't tell her I said she was the worst CA ever as you probably know her.

She's probably busier then most of us.


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