And So Its Come to This........... a Blog

Why bother with creative original content when one can post the minutiae of a numbingly average life?

Friday, September 01, 2006

I will be going home this weekend so I'll have a chance at picking up those hangers and some random odds and ends (which may include my NES and a 25 year old microwave).

Taylor, Shawn and I have confirmed getting a radio station just as soon as the sign up sheet goes up. And I will be officially joining the History Club (attending this time!). All of that should happen next week, so full of possibilities as always but this time there is an intent to pin the suckers down and make them real. Or something.

There will be a bus to the State Fair on Monday leaving at 6 so I'll be going, I've never been before and it sounds fun.

Have a great Labor Day Weekend!


At 1:04 AM, Blogger Jess-Beast said...

Cool about the radio station. I want a place where I can broadcast a set of random music! I introduced Scheckie and Momiji to Bjork today.

At 12:56 AM, Blogger Laurel said...

i just saw all the new posts today. as for anna karenina i just hope reading it as a group makes it easier to get through the middle, the beginning starts great adn then it sort of builds but eventually gets stuck. but it must be good, i mean oprah likes it and all.


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