And So Its Come to This........... a Blog

Why bother with creative original content when one can post the minutiae of a numbingly average life?

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Tuesdays are going to be a problem for me, expect the most angst-ridden entries to come from Tuesdays. Garfield's Monday's won't have anything on me.

First off, I wake up at 8:50 and realize my alarm didn't go off. I had set the alarm correctly to 6:45 AM but the actual time was off by 12 hours. I'm still wondering how I managed to do that. So I miss Early Field Experiance which is once a week and therefore a class YOU CAN'T MISS. Yeah.

Worse, is that I've booked my work schedule to start immediatly after that class so I had to run around to make it in time for my first shift of the day. (Yes, my first) Right after that I have Introduction to Exceptional Populations. So I miss breakfast and I have to get a quick lunch (two slices of pizza with ham, onions and mustardy cheese, yep.) before I go to my third class English Lit.

English Lit isn't bad and the professor seems knowledgable but she is getting older and her voice switches from middle aged to screeching. It's nice to know that there is a second period of voice changing to look forward too.

After class I have to get my books and discover another place that my River Valley Credit Union debit card doesn't work. So I have to go wait and get a voucher before I can pick up my books. That means I'll have to pay back my parents as soon as I get home since they send voucher bills home.

I guess now that I write it out it doesn't sound so bad, it's just that at 8:00 I have to go work the late shift at the library until closing at 11:30-Midnight. So hopefully that will give me time to do my homework and maybe start the latest Genmay Book Club selection, Anna Karenina. Laurel, I know will know what I'm getting into.


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