So today I donated blood for the first time (previously before this I thought I was ineligible - long story). It was a good experience overall except it took so long! It didn't help that I had a very slow nurse. I think it was the one who got Katie last year. The woman could not find a vein to save her life.
But eventually 500ccs of blood was taken plus some vials. Man was I fascinated. I mean, it's a bag of blood and she was handling it like an icepack.
The only part that was uncomfortable was when she ripped the needles out of me without a warning. That really REALLY hurt.
But I got a sticker, some cheese and a cookie. Oh, and juice. Lots of juice.
Tonight was also the big 'Take Back the Night' march. It had a lot of people attend this year in light of the recent highly publicized sexual assaults. From what I've heard quite a few have happened but the administration made a big deal of these two because the newspapers caught wind of it. It's ridiculous, they're doing nothing to help people be or feel safer. We can't have cameras because of 'what visitors would think.' Let me tell you, and Katie will agree the whole small college, big heart, touchy-feely close community that the brochures rage on about doesn't exist. It's all a big myth to attract students.