And So Its Come to This........... a Blog

Why bother with creative original content when one can post the minutiae of a numbingly average life?

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

I am such a space cadet. I always forget when certain people's office hours are so I still haven't officially registered in half of my classes, geeze, I can't find certain professors when I look for them so I can get their signatures to drop the classes I need to drop. I mean, why do we need permission to drop a class anyway? I mean really, those people should be where I want them to be when I want them. I'm always running into people I'm trying to avoid all the time.

Alright. As you may know, Troy is back on campus which is cool, I went to see him last night and we talked about stuff and things, the usual.

I am already dreading French. It is just not an enjoyable experience for me at all, even though I would really like to master a second language this is just too difficult. The professor refuses to have us speak English at all so of course she goes on and on in French and we stare blankly, she asks us a question and we stare blankly, she wants our opinion, we stare blankly. It's like middle school. I feel bad because the professor is really nice, and she's only doing her job but oh man it is so much like middle school. We're all confused and can't communicate and our continued silence is undermining her sanity.

My non-fiction writing class so far promises to be a lot of fun. So it's not all bad.

Jessica is in England. Which is awesome. So I looked around my music for the most british thing I have and I came up with this little infectious britpop gem from the mid-90's. While America was obsessing over the remnants of grunge and Lilith Fair the Brits were enjoying a brand of anthemic sing-a-long pop rock music that never caught on in the states with the exception of Oasis and to a lesser extent, Blur. Anyway, here is Sleeper, which had a string of hits in Great Britain but had faded away by the new millennium. This was their debut single, Inbetweener, and had the British Press frothing at the mouth in ecstasy. Of course the British press is always doing that whenever any half-way decent band comes out, but I digress. Have a great time in England Jess!

Are these links working the way they should? Eh.


At 3:55 PM, Blogger Me said...

I haven't bought my books yet....if that means anything to you. So is your demographics class with Lois? because she is the SHIT!!!

At 9:50 AM, Blogger Leah said...

You should go to your French professor's office hours, if you can figure out when they are! :p Because sometimes language profs will talk in English in office hours, or at informal outside of class times or at least it would be one on one and if you don't understand you can say so. ("J'ne comprend pas." isn't that how you say it?) and you could ask "what can I do to improve? It's hard to talk and understand in class." And if you say this it lets her know that you want to improve and maybe she'll have some suggestions. She doesn't know that you all don't understand. She just thinks you're all too shy to speak up in a foreign language!

At 3:42 AM, Blogger Jess-Beast said...

Yay-- nonfiction writing^_^


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