And So Its Come to This........... a Blog

Why bother with creative original content when one can post the minutiae of a numbingly average life?

Saturday, January 05, 2008

The things I do for part of the Faculty Search Committee for the History Department I am right now up at Castleton reading through resumes for the Ast. Prof of European History position. Who knew there were so many German history scholars? I mean really, is it that fascinating? Anyway, it is a long, long process. I'll be here until Tuesday night.

For food I've bought some soda, Chef Boyardee tins and Ben & Jerry's. Oh, and I bought some Santitas chips and some of that spinach dip - one of the most delicious things ever. And apparantly not that bad for you if you overlook the whole sodium thing.

Not much else going on, I hope everyone is still enjoying their time off.

Oh, wait a minute for everyone's benefit I'd like to re-pimp LibraryThing:

My profile:

There is a challenge about 1001 Books you should read before you die, and I decided to give it a shot. Especially because of this neat-o spreadsheet someone must have spent half of their life designing. Or not, but I view computer magic like your average Baby Boomer.

Spreadsheet site:

Seriously, download and check it out. I've read around 40 of the books, and probably twice that I've started and put down...Most of you probably won't see this since it's vacation and all but I wanted to put it down before I forgot.

edit: I added a hit counter whooooohoooo!


At 6:50 AM, Blogger Keaira said...

ye say you are a member of the faculty search committee for the history department... BUT ARE YOU SURE???


Please, consider the following...

Faculty Search Committee for the History Department = FSCHD

can also equal....
-Fried Sexy Chicken House Dragons
-Free Sultannas Crunch Hundreds of Diamonds
-Foxes and Sea-shells Carry Hippos Drowning

i could also think of a nuberrr of dirty ones but i dont know how sensitive you are about the Faculty Search Committee for the History Department, so i shall stop here...

nice blogging


PS Im very very very very bored... can you tell??

At 6:34 PM, Blogger Myles said...

This has to be the strangest out of nowhere comment I have ever received. Thank you.

At 8:48 PM, Blogger Keaira said...

hahah glad to be of service

At 6:42 AM, Blogger Cecelia Dowdy said...

Hi, Myles. Thanks for posting on my blog yesterday. I do have a question for you, though. I would have emailed you, but couldn't find an email address on your profile. You'd said you like reading blogs by real people? What do you mean by real people? I thought all people were real? Is real people a foreign term!

Thanks again for visiting my blog and feel free to visit again! I discuss some great books!


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