And So Its Come to This........... a Blog

Why bother with creative original content when one can post the minutiae of a numbingly average life?

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

I've decided to add another little gimmick to my posts. In the interests of spreading good music I'll be putting up a song that you may download. Of course, it is for evaluation purposes only, but I figure you can get a better sense of why I'm loving a certain band or song at the moment by hearing an example rather then me throwing names about. So here you go, as a show of good faith here is one that most of you know:

What you do is just enter those three letters in the box on the upper right and click download. Then wait the 40 seconds and click download again, voila. Tunage.

That's fun. What got me thinking about this song was that while I've been idly coasting through the blogs I came across this photo some blogger had gotten from PostSecret. Now there is a cool website, I'm not sure how 'true' they are but they sure are cool pieces of art:

If you're not familiar with the video here is a link to it (since I still haven't figured out how to embed those):

That card is more than a little heartbreaking. But of course I get sentimental about the strangest things - just, if the Bee Girl didn't make it how much chance do Iiiiiiiiiii have? Hahah, I don't know.

A lot of those cards are amazing, the secrets are all postcards mailed in anonymously to the blog's writers, I just might impulse buy one of the books the site puts out if I ever see one.

I am leaving Castleton tonight work very much not done


At 6:16 AM, Blogger Keaira said...

ahhh post secret is OFFICIALLY my favorite site!! i looove the internet!

i wish you more success than the bee girl... naaawwww she so cute!!


At 10:28 AM, Blogger Jess-Beast said...

I like to think that all the post secrets are true (I fully support the head in the sand argument). And I really want to download this song, but it'll have to wait till I'm somewhere with a higher connection-- so as soon as I'm in England!

I hope classes at Castleton go well this year!


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