And So Its Come to This........... a Blog

Why bother with creative original content when one can post the minutiae of a numbingly average life?

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Well in lovely turn of fate at the time of year when I should be at my peak condition I have caught Shawn's horrible sickness. It lasts for weeks (he's in his third, no improvement thus far). I just woke up with it this morning at 11am. I was supposed to be up at 8am. I staggered to Huden and back and felt exhausted after only an hour of tinkering with the internet. Planning meetings with faculty.

I went to sleep for four or so hours. I woke up with a worse sore throat and a headache and even more exhaustion. Someone brought Little Caesars but I couldn't eat a bite. I've been drinking water and orange juice and have eaten a dry orange.

There was some drama at the radio station. Power struggles and bruised feelings that I was invited to as being just another EC meeting.

I can barely keep my eyes open, for the past few hours I've tried and I know oversleeping will not help but I can not stand this. It's bad enough I tried making some inroads on my depression bullshit but wow things magically didn't get better. They're not worse, but eh.

So. I will be failing some courses. Just how many if not all is the question of the hour.

edit: pity me boohoo.


At 12:57 PM, Blogger Jess-Beast said...

My mother says to say that she was rather offended at your comment on my blog.

I, on the other hand, thought it was hilarious.

Oh-- you's sick. Sadface. I'll use my Panda Powers of Healing to will you into health once more: *wi~~~~~~~ll*

At 5:06 PM, Blogger Jess-Beast said...

How to get better tips:

vitamin c every hour (Halls Drop kind, NOT a 500 mg pill) -- it will give you more energy and help you function.

non-drowsy sudafed-- It's like Heaven, because it lets you breath through your nose.

dayquil/niquil rotation-- drug, they are the key to survival. KEY. Functioning and well surpasses any doubts I have about medication. KEY.

Liquids are a given, but I feel better if my throat is coated.

If your stomach starts to get upset, try some ginger (crystalized, soda, snaps). Try to eat food-- even if the food is disgusting, just eat it. Just keep forcing food down. You many not feel like eating, but you need too.

I hate being sick. It just sucks. So, I suggest you lie in bed and watch movies. Write papers if that crosses your mind. E-mail your professors-- let them know.

Even butter up Katie to see if you can get a ride to a hospital if you take a turn for the worse. Sitting in the emergency room for hours may not be fun, but they can definitly tell you what's the matter (and even give you better drugs).


(Listen not to my mother, btw)

At 9:10 AM, Blogger Me said...

Just and FYI and Reminder I don't have a car so if you come to me needing a hospital trip you are most certainly SOL.

At 12:33 PM, Blogger Myles said...

Hahaha, don't worry, I don't think it's that bad. Actually a day and a half's worth of coma have just left me with a residual sore throat and headache.

So it seems kind of silly but man was I miserable.

At 2:23 PM, Blogger Leah said...

Poor Myles!!

At 5:16 PM, Blogger Laurel said...

dayquil makes me loopy- i've vowed to never take it again. nyquil is another story


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