And So Its Come to This........... a Blog

Why bother with creative original content when one can post the minutiae of a numbingly average life?

Thursday, September 29, 2005

So this is what posting in the day time feels like...
Yesterday was Troy's 19th birthday, so there was some fun had. We didn't hang out much because our schedules are opposite (he takes evening classes). Though it was funny, he wore a cone birthday hat all day. He got a large teddy bear from one girl and it was promptly named Mr. Snuggles. he got a few other things, I got him a large Fear and Loathing Poster with Johnny Depp looking insane and the first line of the book on it.
There was a buy 2 get one free poster sale at the campus center, so it was easy getting him the gift. I got a Mallrats movie poster and a very fed up Kevin Spacey American Beauty poster.
Troy had alot of fun, which is good, because he worries alot about his parents, not that he says anything, but..well, you know

The power was out for around three hours after a massive rain storm. I was shelving books and it sounded like a hurricane. Everyone in the library got up at the same time and walked up to the picture windows. (I know, smart idea right?). It was so cool, nature was getting over something.
It sucked later on when i was in the heart of the stacks and the lights went out. I almost crashed the cart into the shelves a billion times finding my way back up to the front desk.
Well I have to get to Spanish. They just had to get the power back up.

Wow, I need to find more light-hearted pictures. But I guess it fits.


At 12:45 AM, Blogger Laurel said...

that was definitly an emo pic. we lost power in some places too, not in my dorm though.

At 12:21 PM, Blogger Me said...

ria got troy another teddy bear for his b-day, she was going to get him a pink one, which would have been funny, but decided on the blue.

At 8:20 PM, Blogger Me said...

just to let you know Meg, and Ria beat sams game tonight they danced arround the room and I was frightened.

now I have to try and beat it.
(and I am still sorry)

At 10:05 PM, Blogger Laurel said...

you're such a slacker, post!

At 9:36 AM, Blogger Myles said...

Fine, I'll get on it.

At 1:38 PM, Blogger Jess-Beast said...

You're writing voice is so matter of fact cynical/sarcastic & I miss it...



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