And So Its Come to This........... a Blog

Why bother with creative original content when one can post the minutiae of a numbingly average life?

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Today's song was supposed to be "Looking at the World from the Bottom of a Well" by Mike Doughty but hotmail is down? I've tried it several times and it's not working, keeps timing out. My megaupload only sends my links to my hotmail address... So here is a youtube link

and if you like you can contact me on AIM and I'll send the song to you direct. It's a great tune, and since it was played on Grey's Anatomy it's something that you guy's might recognize. He was the lead singer of the band Soul Coughing which had rock hits "Super Bon Bon" and "Circles" in case you're interested. I might post one of their songs.

French is still a hassle but I'll get through it, I've talked with the professor and we've set up a help session every week. My other classes are doing fine. The Selection Committee (for the new European History professor) is going great as well, we've finished phone interviews and are inviting four candidates to campus. I'm happy because the top three were my picks as well.

My break was pretty boring, I didn't do much and only the last few days I went to Keene and stated at Matt Taclof's apartment. It was cool hanging out with him again. They have a fancy kitten that is bred from Civet cats and siamese, it was a gift, he's spotted like leopard and very affectionate and playful. They've (Matt and his girlfriend) named him Oliver Cromwell.


At 7:13 PM, Blogger Jess-Beast said...

That's one of the best names for a cat-- ever.

Francais-- c'est un langue idiotique! Hahahahaa! (the 'h' is obviously silent)

At 8:06 PM, Blogger Ashley said...

I've never heard of a fancy cat before, does it only eat fancy feast cat food?

At 9:14 PM, Blogger Me said...

I miss you ashley.....

I really wanted to drag you to see Sweeney Todd at the theater when we were home (I saw it sunday with my dad) but I really can't drive a car right now (the whole shoulder thing you know). and now I was told not to drink anything so we can't go out and hang out.

maybe next week we can do something....

p.s. hotmail works now

At 5:17 PM, Blogger Leah said...

Kittens are definitely one of the high-lights of life!!


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