And So Its Come to This........... a Blog

Why bother with creative original content when one can post the minutiae of a numbingly average life?

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Back by Popular demand...Well the reason I haven't posted for a few days is because, as usual nothing interesting is going on with me.
But if you insist, I'll talk about what occupies far to much of my time: Internet Dharma. I post primarily on - I do not suggest you sign up, they tend to strike out against new people. And espcially since most who read this I assume are female, you will be barraged with requests for . Even by the girl members. Just because they think it's funny. Then they will criticize everything you do and what you look like, potentially paying to change your name or to ban you for an extended period of time. If you didn't sign up to the forum years ago you're not wanted. Its a harsh community. But anyway, I spend alot of my time there. Recently a kid was stupid enough to post his ENTIRE permit on Genmay so prove that he just got it. He didn't edit any of the information, he realized his mistake to late and it was quoted and the information was saved. Genmay proceded to scour the internet for free offers and signed him up to everything from (seriously) NAMBLA, the KKK and to visits from members of various religious groups to his house. He also was sent around 5-8000 free boxes, free urine bags, subscriptions to shopping and porn magazines. Needless to say, even though some felt sorry for him. We all laughed our asses off. Especially when he came back on to post that he would get his families lawyer to sue Genmay and get them shut down.
The admin scoffed and sent him a subscription to playgirl
Then someone dug up his Myspace and Xanga accounts and everyone declared him to be an emo idiot. His posts consisted of him talking about how his parents sucked, the girl he liked not recognizing his existence (this came with poetry), and the phrase 'fucking raw fucking power'. That's where I stopped having sympathy for him.
He posted his personal info on a public forum and...he got owned. Badly.

Its stuff like that that makes me continue to post on Genmay.

In other forum news, Shiroi Kumo from FA (for those of you who went there) made his final dramatic exit and spammed enough to anger Amitrius to ban him. There was much rejoicing from most everyone except a few new people who barely count. I love being an elitist on the internet.

In real life, things are doing fine. Classes are not to bad, alot of work but nothing crippling. I have yet to go to a college party and it doesnt look like I will in the future unless I meet up with Ryan and go with him. But I'm not sure if I really would get into that kind of thing. The two times I did drink it was with close friends, drinking with random people doesnt sound as fun. Last night some kid apparantly tried to kill himself (or was just being emo and cutting himself, no one is sure). Needless to say he probably won't be coming back this semester. And I think to myself, do I want to get involved in that nonsense? Actually, yes. Well, without the whole cutting thing. I could do without that. But giving myself the drunk-driving test all night again would probably be fun. Z-Y-X-ummmm.......

I am so tired, I was tired yesterday, but last night I reached that point of exhaustion where you can't go to sleep. Someone was blaring music at 3:30 in the morning, FROM THE NEXT DORM. And I could still hear it. There is a special place for that kind of person. It was not fun taking that Cultural Geography test this morning at 8. But I think I did alright.

I really can't think of much else to write about...I'm still listening to alot of Sugarcubes. If you havent checked them out. Do. Geeze, I've been whoring Bjork for so long now I should get paid. I really can't wait for October Break to start. Just to be able to eat real food, lie down on a real DOUBLE bed and make nonsense noises at the kitties. The best thing is my Dad has already had the wood stacked, its to late to have to mow the no chores when I get back. Swish.

Wow, no one has said that since the mid-90's.

I'll leave off for now. I want to see if I can take a nap before Spanish.


At 3:25 PM, Blogger Myles said...

Oooo fun, thanks to my Spanish teacher's terrible syllabus and general lack of organization. I've just discovered I have what i believe is a mid-term exam today.
I hate that class.

At 7:25 PM, Blogger Me said...

holy shit that sucks worse than most things suck, a suprise mid-term.

I dont know what to respond to that other than I hope it wasn't so.

At 8:22 PM, Blogger Myles said...

It turned out it was just a double unit test. It still sucked, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

At 7:40 PM, Blogger Leah said...

That would be material for one of my nightmares!!!


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