And So Its Come to This........... a Blog

Why bother with creative original content when one can post the minutiae of a numbingly average life?

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Well I'm going home for Thanksgiving vacation. It should be fun, Michelle's off in Colorado though but it should be a good time.
I personally can't wait for turkey, gravy, yams, mashed potatoes and all the will be good. Great even. EPIC.
I'm so far behind in writing, I havent touched it in days. I reached a point where the whole thing just frustrated me. I'll try to write more over break but it looks like I won't be making it this year. :o
But anyway, Feast for Crows came out, I read it. And IT WAS AWESOME. I had some minor problems with it but overall it was worth the wait. Now I have to wait for the next book to answer some questions though. I'll wait another 3-4 years. sure.
We read Wicked in my English Comp. class and I have to admit that it was better this time around, but I still say (and I'm happy to say some agreed with me) that Baum's original literary world should have been left alone.
I'm reading more discworld, I read Lords and Ladies and am starting the Color of Magic. It should be interesting tracking them all down.
Sorry Laurel if this doesnt meet your specifications, but I think tinkerbell getting her wings taken from her to put on a frog is funny.
Well that's all, hopefully I'll see you guys over break.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Well A Feast for Crows by George R. R. Martin came out and I've been busy the past few days reading it. I had one or two tiny problems with it, but on the whole it was an excellant contribution to the series. The next book is due out next year (It's already written it's just revisions that need to be done).
As for writing...well I've hit a huge brick wall and the whole plot, as fragile as it was, has crashed down into a pit of tedium and the droning of the narrator.
I hope I can go home this weekend, Taylor hasnt decided whether or not go (Thanksgiving break does start next week after all) so its his decision.
It sucks that I had to work last week. This kid was setting up the worst "art" exhibit. The library has rotating every two weeks a student art show in the student lounge. His pieces included four 2x8 with dismembered baby dolls covered in blood roped to them, a smiley face hitler surrounded by the heads of other smiley faces with jewish and gay symbols on their foreheads with the caption 'have a nice day' (WHAT COULD HIS MESSAGE BE? A DUR HUR), a book that he had whited out all of the words and written on the cover "My book of Phrases". Plus various other junk pieces (a wrecked TV, styrofoam ducttaped together). Out of the whole lot he had maybe one real piece of work. A pen and ink of some emo/goth girl. The whole show just made me mad.
Well that's it for now.
edit: Spring 2006 (we're so futuristic) Schedule

Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays
Finite Math
Foundations of Education

Tuesdays and Thursdays
Wolrd History I (this will be changed to T/TH afternoons)
Touchstones of Western Literature
Effective Speaking

and Soundings of course, but that's mandatory.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Well I've been pretty busy writing, I'm approaching 13,000 words. The plot's a little shaky and it feels a little forced, but it has it's moments.

Things are doing alright with me, I need to get to the bank and cash my checks though, I am completely out of cash and I need to pay a ten-dollar fee to drop Spanish. I might have to ask someone for a loan cause I want it done by today. The problem is most everyone else is out of cash as well! Meh, it will work out.

In genmay news I got a new avatar: Hmm.. for some reason I can never get gifs right. He's supposed to bang his head up and down. Someone who was trying to gain support for a modship was buying people things and I got on the bandwagon. The guy got banned. It happens.

If Michelle is reading this: I'm sorry I can't see you before you go to Colorado! It sucks that I have to work this weekend. Have fun!!!

I guess that's all with me...

edit: Take a look a this site. It's pretty cool you put in a band that you like and they find songs that are similar and play them for you. The whole song too and it's a good variety.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Well, I'm a week late but I decided to sign myself up for writing a novel, I'm only at around 1000 words now but I intend to go the whole distance.
The plot is a bit shaky and I have no idea what's going to happen. I'm not even sure who the characters are. But whatever. It will all work out fine in the end I'm sure.
Still nothing really going on with me. I got my concept paper back (a C because I didn't make up some pre-writing to hand in, since I don't do that and I was honest I get punished. But whatever. It was fair...I guess).
I'm going to finalize getting rid of Spanish tomorrow, it just was not going to work out. I'll try French next year (they don't have French 1 for the spring semester).
Otherwise things are good. I'm reading Dune and I just finished Terry Pratchett's Lords and Ladies (Don't ask me how I find the time to read, I'm a bit surprised myself). Still waiting for A Feast for Crows to come out.
Oh, and here's one more thing for me to complain about. I could have gone home this weekend. I show up for work on Saturday and I discover it was scheduling error. I work next week. Yep.
Well that's about all for me.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Today I have been reflecting on various matters concerning my future. Well, not really but I like to pretend I have depth every now and then. Still nothing is happening, and still I keep posting. Why?

Top men are working on it. Who? Top...Men.

I talk to my advisor about registering for next semester's courses tomorrow. Same old same old, I get to take an advanced literature course though thanks to the AP exam.

I feel like a dork. I added Bjork to my friends on myspace.

Genmay is doing secret santas, which should be interesting. Last year there was alot of shenanigans involving people sending everyone smoked salmon.

Blah Blah Blah


Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Not much to report, as usual. I'm going to drop Spanish class because the more I think of it, the more I realize that it's adding alot more stress to my life then I need.
I know I sound angsty, but I'm actually in a good mood. Watched the first disk of Arrested Development and saw the new episodes of South Park and Drawn Together. Listening to Golden Earring's Radar Love.
I am entirely out of quarters though, and have once again let the laundry build up to the point where I am very nearly out of clothes. Fun.
Just switched to Runaway Train. I swear, it's the music that has me addicted to my computer more then anything.
Well I'll post whenever.
See you sometime.