And So Its Come to This........... a Blog

Why bother with creative original content when one can post the minutiae of a numbingly average life?

Friday, March 31, 2006


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Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Well tonight was the performance of A Defenseless Creature.

I'm afraid I let Katie down a little, we didn't do badly per se, but somehow when we were up there the blocking disapeared and there was some line confusion. The night as a whole was really good though, all of the plays were great.

Not much else, just a quick update.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

This weekend I actually went home. I know, it's a bit weird since it's only a week before Spring Break and all, but it was a spur of the moment thing. Shawn was just heading out the door and I just asked if I could go with him. So in five or ten minutes I had grabbed my laundry and a few other scattered items and was on my way home.

It was a nice time, my mom and I went to Borders and after extensive combing through the music and book sections I chose Glen Duncan's Death of an Ordinary Man. I had read his book I, Lucifer earlier for the Genmay Book Club and I was very impressed. I'm about halfway through Ordinary Man and it's fantastic.

Very differant from I, Lucifer but showing alot of skill and I have to agree with the review on the back of the book. Duncan is an "appalingly intelligent writer." I eagerly reccomend I, Lucifer and/or Ordinary Man. I think Jessica as a Neil Gaiman fan would especially enjoy these books. But they are very smart, funny and astounding books. Seriously, any of you guys would love it.

After leaving Borders, we went to the new Olive Garden and met up with Meghan and her boyfriend Shawn. The food there is great, I had their Fagioli soup and Lasagna :drool:. Nuff said on that.

The rest of the weekend was an early start on relaxation, I watched Small Soliders and Secret of Nimh with the family, as well as reading my new book. I had been reading Dracula but it's been shoved aside (it's really great though, better then I thought).

All in all, a typical lazy weekend.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

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Well, it appears that there shall be no pictures for this entry. My computers being petulent. Yes, that's mispelled. I know but I'm to lazy to look up the right spelling, now that I think of it...I just need to change that second e into an a. But I'm way past that sort of thing.

I slept through both of my classes today, which is kind of sad since they're at 10 and 12. I really need to go to bed earlier.

I was going to have a picture of the stack of books I have out from the library, and have every intention of reading - eventually. Being on staff doesnt exempt me from overdue things so I have to each book back as it expires and renew it. It's very tiring, I assure you.

I recently bought The Pagemaster, Small Soldiers and The Secret of Nymh at Wal-Mart since they were in the bargain bin, oh and a bargain Fine Young Cannibals CD...I don't think I have to justify why. :o

I have no anecdotes to give I'm afraid, Shawn had his 20th b-day and we had a small party for him. No, there wasnt any drinking, though that might have been more fun. Instead we ate store cake with sickeningly sweet frosting. There's still a hunk of it leftover, we can't foist it off on anyone.

The weather is getting nicer, which is, well...nice.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Well I keep finding new and unusual ways to waste time on the internet. My latest is being an editor at the Internet Book List. I've wasted an ungodly amount of time adding books, my biggest projects included fleshing out the Animorphs section (missing before I started nearly half of the books), putting up my Ghosts anthology and for some reason getting all of the works of Lynne Reid Banks onto her page. There were only five books there before.

It's tedious and time consuming and I wonder why I do it. I urge you all to join the site though, not as editors unless your willing to spend ALOT of time here, but you can rate books and you can review and comment on books. It's cool.

My next project will be to add Neil Simon and put up his complete works. I think it hasnt been done because its waaaaaaaay to much effort.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Today was my second day of going to the America Reads program at the local public library, it was actually pretty fun. Since its close to St. Patricks, the Librarian read a leprechan story and we went off to other places and your partner (I had two today) was supposed to tell you their own leprechan story. It was funny what they came up with.
The only sentence I can remember right now is:

"And Bushy the Fox and the Leprechan made a new friend, Inky the Mouse. Inky said they should take a walk. Bushy and the Leprechan said No."

For some reason that was hysterical. There was also a point where a female mouse named Tinkerbell appeared on the path, the two friends walked right past her.

That was hilarious too.

Then they made tissue paper collages of rainbows. It was fun.

Lately I've been listening to alot of Motown songs from the 60s. They make me smile.

That is all

Thursday, March 09, 2006

I feel alot like poor old Charlie Brown sometimes. hahahahaha

Still nothing going on and all that angst bullshit about being bored, but I have news of a kind. Katie has a directing class and she asked me to be in the one act she's doing.

And that one act is of course the sublimely hilarious A Defenseless Creature, which we did in the Senior play. And this time I'LL GET IT RIGHT :)

So I'm actually getting a little psyched about this, so yay.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Well, I'm bored.

I thought I'd let you guys know, I have a million books to read but now I have no drive to sit down and read them.
Genmay has gone on a huge banning spree, the rich guy (who may or may not know Slash) decided on a whim to ban everyone who logged in this morning. So I only have the ban forum to post in and its not nearly as entertaining.
And with reading and the internet (because clearly, genmay = the internet) taken from me, I have nothing to do. Homework is simply out of the question.
Oh, and I'm at the boring Water Temple in Zelda, so I've lost my drive for that too.

Well, I shared. the above picture is my latest rasturbation. And if you don't recall what that is here is the link:

I'm off to more mediocrity.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Yeah, not much going on with me, I just figured I would post something. This whole week I have devoted myself to Zelda the Ocarina of Time. It's been a long time since I've been so absorbed in a game.

I also rediscovered the webcomic Mall Monkeys, which I have missed dearly. The guy stopped making them and couldnt afford to keep up the site so they disapeared for a long time. I was able to find a few with the Internet Wayback Archive, but not all of them. The above is one of my favorites.

I've been reading Jonathon Strange and Mr. Norril and Mourning Becomes Electra which are both very good so far. I just finished I, Lucifer, which is a novel written from the Devils perspective when God offers him a chance back in heaven if he can lead a good mortal life on Earth. It was EXCELLANT.

I like cheesecake.

EDIT: And to make the record clear, the bridge was EPIC. I'm sorry if Katie's too Jaded (hah, now that song is in your head) to understand the pure joy of seeing a tripple decker bridge.