And So Its Come to This........... a Blog

Why bother with creative original content when one can post the minutiae of a numbingly average life?

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Well I did the unthinkable, I bought a hip-hop/rap album. And it's very good. It's not really a pure rap album, it draws on soul and r+b too. I liked the song Killing Me Softly With His Song, and read some good things about it so I went to FYE and saw it was on sale and poof. The rest of the songs are not like Killing Me Softly, but it's very smooth and well done. I don't really know what I'm talking about anyway, it's just good. Lauren Hill and Wyclef Jean started out in this group too, fun fact.

Don't worry, I won't be picking up Eminem any time soon.

Friday, September 22, 2006 - This showed up on genmay last night, it was fun playing around with it for awhile. I made up a seal for Taylor and I's radio show.

Now, speaking of that, last night was interesting. Since Taylor left early in the afternoon with his parents to go to Toronto (to see the Red Sox or something) I had the show to myself, from the start it was pretty boring. I think it might have been my shifts in music that I was playing, I started off with bluesish jam rock and into more alternative, then I went to EMF's goth electronica, Fugees soul and some Linda Ronstadt country. Oh and the Ronettes and the Supremes. Then back to rock, so I think I alienated what four listeners I had because I got no requests or anything.

Once my hour was up the next DJ didn't show up so I continued, and another hour passed and that guy didn't show up. Very nice. I would have probably continued all night but the music I had brought had run out and the CDs are very disorganized and the computer's music is hopeless, half of it is broken. So I just put it on automatic play (there are a bunch of prerecorded shows on the computer) and went to see Katie. We watched Gargoyles and I ate some of her food.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

I bought myself a Harley Davidson this weekend.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

It is Thursday evening, and for most of the week as most of you probably know already I have been witout glasses. It's an interesting perspective. My eye-sight is incredibly bad and I find that the only things I can focus on are printed words close to my face and the clouds in the sky. There's a great metaphor or poetic something or other in that but I habe no idea how to put it.
When walking from place to place I can't recognize anyone passing even a foot or two next to me and I've undoubtedly given people the impression that I'm an asshole. In class professors (at least until at the end of class I explain to them) probably think I'm dense or high on something. I can't tell if anyone's making eye contact or pointing at me, I obviously can't see what's written on the board.
I've gotten numerous comments on how tired I look, and though I make sure to get plenty of sleep I am tired. My eyes (at greatly different levels of crappiness) compete with each other on which gets to focus. I find myself squinting like a pirate at the oddest of times but the upside is that I can't see people give me strange looks.
When reading, on paper or on a screen I feel like my eyes have gone independant of each other, I'll get perfect double vision for instants.
At work I was set to training someone. The poor girl.
When writing papers or to surf genmay O'll put on my proken glasses, balancing the loose lens in my eye like a monacle. It works well enough but my eyebrow gets tired of it's burden and after an hour or so of wearing it it begins to repeatedly fall and I have to stop typing and do something else or soldier on hunched like Blackbeard over the keyboard hen pecking the keyboard. I of course assume that Blackbeard like myself has yet to master the touch type.
It's a liberating experiance to live in your own foggy world. I've gotten to the point that because I can't see people I assume they can't see me. If I am without effective sight for much longer I'll be at the point where I'll be wondering around picking my nose and spitting at things. Perhaps I'll resourt to my monacle in public. I'm told it makes my left eye look bigger then the right.
I'm not sure where I am going or went with this, not rant....discourse, but I think it has accomplished something.
That something I expect is getting the essay for World History II out of my head for a few minutes.
It really hasn't been so horrible to see everything unfocused. Even though I see less clearly it was nice to walk around outside and have the air be all around and not have to go around lens, even contacts didn't give this amount of freedom.

Monday, September 11, 2006

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There were fireworks this weekend, and I took some pictures. The world premiere of the radio show "Bonanza" went off with several hitchs but it happened.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Well tonight's party got canceled due to the rain. Though it's fine because one drunk night and another party thing is enough for a week. Plus, I've decided in the future I won't be informing you everytime I get drunk because 1. Who cares? and 2. It's annoying and stupid.

Sooooo I'll have to find things to say, cause right now I'm relying on my picture folder.

Friday, September 08, 2006

I have been given responsibility, I have to open the library on Saturday morning and train one of the new people. It's funny because they never completed my training.

I bought the second season of Lost and am highly pleased with it, and I discovered they are making action figures! I'm going to have to at least get Hurley.

edit: I had completely forgotten about that last entry. Sorry.

edit2: In response to Leah's question about who that guy was, that was Steve Irwin, he had a nature show and he recently passed away after being attacked by a manta ray.

I am drunk this is my7 blog well tty7l

Picture removed for all of our sakes.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

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Yeah, so there's a Flaming Lips concert at UVM on Thursday for $30. I can't say I'm entirely a fan since I haven't bought any of their albums but I'm going to be trying to convince people they should go and bring me along. Besides, I've heard they have an awesome live show so it'll at least be a trip to a decent planatarium light show or something.

Monday, September 04, 2006

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Yes, I know. Heartless.

Friday, September 01, 2006

I will be going home this weekend so I'll have a chance at picking up those hangers and some random odds and ends (which may include my NES and a 25 year old microwave).

Taylor, Shawn and I have confirmed getting a radio station just as soon as the sign up sheet goes up. And I will be officially joining the History Club (attending this time!). All of that should happen next week, so full of possibilities as always but this time there is an intent to pin the suckers down and make them real. Or something.

There will be a bus to the State Fair on Monday leaving at 6 so I'll be going, I've never been before and it sounds fun.

Have a great Labor Day Weekend!