And So Its Come to This........... a Blog

Why bother with creative original content when one can post the minutiae of a numbingly average life?

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Every year Castleton's clubs participate in throwing a party for the local kids. Each club gets a booth and the kids have a grand ol' time. Supposedly this is because local kids are banned from trick or treating because of the proximity of the college and related shenanigans or something. Anyway it's a baseless rumor as kids can and do trick or treat in town.

The history club had pin the tail on the Democrat Donkey, the trunk on the Republican Elephant and the antlers on the Progressive Moose. We also had coloring and word searches for Halloween. It went pretty well though the Rugby team stole our thunder by having kids be able to tackle this mattress column thing. It was a riot.

I have some pictures up on facebook, I went as a priest. It was a cheap, complete costume. I'll be using it next year too I expect.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Well, I can't sleep. I tried but I just had to get back up as it got brighter outside. Last post I laid it on a little thick but the feeling is pretty much the same.

I pretty much spent the weekend by myself since Taylor and Mike and Shawn all went home, I didn't feel like it and I had enough homework to justify staying to 'work' on it. It was pretty nice, I just slept a lot and most of Friday night was spent at the radio station.

I don't know, I was hoping I would get sleepy if I just moved around a bit more but zilch. Ah, well.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

I stayed up until about 6AM this morning finishing my take home exam for Chinese History. I did fine enough on it I'm sure. So I got a couple hours of sleep and went to class, handed in the exam and rushed back to the dorm to finish my presentation on what education will be like in 50 years. I just got back from that.
But my general lackluster attitude about it all has been being noticed by most of my professors. Nice. One asked me what she could do to better my educational experience and get me engaged. Um, pretty much nothing at this point. But thanks.

I am getting waaaaaaaaay to sick of emo attitudes. Honestly. Can't depression wait until my midlife crisis? At least then I can afford a flashy car or something.

Anyway, now I've got to find a Mayan to English translation table for a mini-lesson for my next class.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Okay, so this morning my midterm for Women Writers was due. The problem with that is that it wasn't finished. The reason for this was not so much due to my procrastination (which is a constant in any assignment and most of those get finished) but for the first time in a very, very long time I could think of nothing to say. The topic (my choosing) was Wuthering Heights and how it showed the social position, role, etc. in Victorian England and how it was self-perpetuated by the women themselves. They made their own cage sort've thing by passing on social values to their daughters. There is a ton of that in Wuthering Heights right?

Well apparently not. Because I could only get to three pages. Three out of at least seven required. I scoured the book for relevant quotations, I tied it to the was an opinion paper we were not supposed to research anything.


Lately I've grown even more apathetic about school - when I said I wasn't worried about midterms I meant that they were there, and probably hard, but I didn't care. What the hell?

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

BOOM! It gets louder and louder and bang....I know my music gushing posts are tiresome and don't persuade anybody but daaaaaaaaaaamn. Black Grape is tight. Yes. They are so awesome my vocabulary was hitched up a notch. They are a rock/dance band with hip-hop influences. It's foul and fun and I can't believe they're pretty much forgotten.

I love new music. Midterms are all around but I'm not worried.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Well break was as boring as I expected it to be. This was in part my fault as I could have called people I suppose...but I mostly spent time sleeping incredibly late and watching movies on TV. And movies from my brother's collection of unintentionally hilarious horror movies. Also I read a bit.
Since Putton, the bob-tail kitty went missing :(, my brother got a new kitty we've named Mila. I think I might have mentioned her already...but she was born in the wild and is very nervous around people. She's gotten better over the past couple of weeks. She loves being held and napping on laps but she hates being caught or even approached to be picked up.

Nothing like high speed living.

Monday, October 01, 2007

This weekend was my cousin Jessica's wedding. It was nice, but family is a trial. Michelle had some contrary opinions and there were some other issues. Jesse is a second cousin once removed so myself, my sisters and my mom were fringe relations - so we didn't know too many people. But like I said, on the whole it was nice to see some family we don't often get to visit with. Plus, her husband (a cop) did some authentic break-dancing.

In other news, I'm not really psyched for October Break at all, the last two weekends I went home sounds horrible but I really am not looking forward to going home for a whole nine days. So I'm trying to think of what my options for what to do instead. I don't really have any.