And So Its Come to This........... a Blog

Why bother with creative original content when one can post the minutiae of a numbingly average life?

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

I sure hope Laurel likes beebles, otherwise she'll never get off my back. Well not much has been going on with me as usual. Just going to class and wasting time on the internet (in particular Gen[M]ay).
On a Genmay side note, things have changed a little for me there...someone (a poster named Camel Mix who had been nameraped to My_Threads_Suck_KC_Me) started a 30k (every poster has a UID number in the order they signed up. There are up to over 38,000 now. of course most of them are not active but thats alot) Adoption Center thread. As usual it was unorganized and falling into spam, so to save it i took out my notebook and wrote out who wanted to be adopted by who and all that and posted a massive update. I kept doing this and there are many adopted newbs because of this.
This got me noticed and for my contribution I was given a title "Allmighty Keeper and Distributer of the Orphans of Genmay", an avatar and a new name. barflord. I was most pleased. Then the name of the thread was changed too Barflord's Adopt a n00b thread. It's doing quite well actually, though of course its mostly people chatting. I can't keep order. Oh, and this all cost somebody around $50. yeah.

So that's my boring genmay story for the post. In other news I got a B+ on that Spanish test I complained about awhile ago, I have a couple of papers to, schoolworks boring.

I went to see Doom with Katie, Taylor and Shawn. It was pretty much what I expected, it was badly written but it was entertaining so it's worth watching eventually for a few good laughs. Also I saw a rather funny preview for a movie called Slither. It's been too long since they came out with a gross alien/monster movie.

I suppose that's enough for now.

fake edit: Listen to the Sugarcubes already
fake edit2: mandatory 'listen to the Sugarcubes line per myles post satisfied'


At 9:27 PM, Blogger Laurel said...

that definitly doesn't meet cute fuzzy bunny standards, but it was a nice try.

it cost you $50 to do what?? myles, myles.. seek help

still havn't listened to sugarcubes. maybe if there were cute fuzzy bunnies telling me to... hmm...

At 9:49 PM, Blogger Myles said...

hell no, I did not spend the money on that, someone else did. Which is crazy (and doubly appreciated). I'm not that addicted that I would spend money on an internet forum.

At 7:55 AM, Blogger Sam said...

Congratulations on your forumer successes! Glad to hear you're not doling out your own funds for those things. And nifty avatar - Allegra, passing behind me asked "why is that pumpkin vomiting?"

At 4:43 PM, Blogger Jess-Beast said...

IT so cute how you plug the sugarcubes every post- it reminds me of how- at the end of your very long, lovely, rants you would become frustrated say, "yeah, well" and then summarize your entire fight with your opinion!

Oh how I miss the weirdest things!!!!


At 7:01 PM, Blogger Leah said...

Congrats on your test!! My best test grade in French was my mid term: B minus.

At 8:12 PM, Blogger Leah said...

Myles-you seem pretty popular on facebook-lots of people writting on your wall!!

At 9:22 PM, Blogger Laurel said...

-in conclusion... get it? see? it's so funny, oh i miss myles papers.

At 9:52 PM, Blogger Myles said...

haha, I actually used in conclusion on my newest paper. We'll see how the prof likes it. Then we'll see whose laughing!

Eh I'm not really that much of a facebook celebrity, it's just one girl from work who posts alot.

At 6:58 PM, Blogger Leah said...

Oh, Myles, question...what is your picture on blogger's pretty...will I still think that when I know what it is...I keep thinking sea monster...hummm...

At 10:24 PM, Blogger Myles said...

it's a character from a webcomic I used to read. I've been using him as an avatar since sophmore year.

He's actually a humanoid hippo, I know I didn't get it until I saw that as a description on the website. It used to be really funny but it's pretty lame now.

The picture right now is him refusing to wake up for work.

That was a long reply.


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