And So Its Come to This........... a Blog

Why bother with creative original content when one can post the minutiae of a numbingly average life?

Saturday, October 29, 2005

More Beebles cause I didn't feel like looking for cute and fuzzy. Anyways, not much is up with me, I'm not going to any parties or events. Just sitting around, I think I'm going to watch the original House on Haunted Hill and Planet of the Dinosaurs (they were at k-mart on dvd for 3 bucks each, had to grab them). Or maybe I'll tune in to the Friday the 13th marathon on AMC...whatever. It will be entertaining.
No genmay stories tonight, there was some drama which involved one of my favorite posters to flee, but it's too complicated to explain. I will however put her avatar up because I always found it hilarious:'s supposed to be a gif, I must of did something wrong. The penguin is supposed to be waddling. The Jewish [M]other of [M]ayhem...hopefully she'll come back.

I finally did something about my myspace account, its under marflord if you feel like looking. Nothing special it's actually pretty boring. Like most blogs - you see what I did there?.
Well that's about it for me, life rolls on.

Oh wait, I got my midterm grades (they're not really grades, just estimates that teachers put up, nothing that goes on our permanent record). I got two A's (well, one was minus) in English and Politics and Government, a B in Cultural Geography and a C- in Spanish (not a surprise). My history teacher decided not to post anything.

Good night and have fun Halloweens!

edit: I almost forgot! Listen to the Sugarcubes v. You have to now until you press stop, which you will and thus foil my evil plan :(


At 10:39 AM, Blogger Jess-Beast said...

That is an awesome music website- and the sugarcubes aren't that bad as well- I've always though Bjork was weirdly cool, but never really sat and listened!

Sorry about Spanish!


At 12:10 PM, Blogger Myles said...

I was surprised to find it too, it has a ton of stuff, I actually found it on Jen's sisters myspace.

Eh it's fine. It's just a wake up for me to get my act togehter in that and not slack in the other classes.

At 4:23 PM, Blogger Leah said... computer is super protective and so I can't hear the music!


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