And So Its Come to This........... a Blog

Why bother with creative original content when one can post the minutiae of a numbingly average life?

Monday, October 31, 2005

I was going to continue posting Beebles, but I figured this suited tonight better. I'm not doing much, just sitting around. Yep. I sure am entertaining.
I figured I should make a new post, doesnt seem like such a great idea now. Intuition sucks, you females may keep it.
Shawn has managed to get Taylor watching professional wrestling. I would make fun of it, but Shawn's memorization of the various wrestler's storylines and moves is no different then me knowing the inner workings and the names of dozens if not more characters in the Kingdom of Westeros.
A Feast for Crows has yet to come out. That peeves me.

Anyway, my History teacher passed out fliers for this rally to be held on November 2nd. Now I consider myself fairly liberal, but this is just insane. The rally could be a good idea, but some of their taglines are ridiculous. For example:

Your government is moving each day closer to a theocracy, where a narrow and hateful brand of Christian fundamentalism will rule.

Now come on, a theocracy? Bush is no Pontifex Maximus.
Well that's all I have for you, happy Halloween. No music from the Sugarcubes for you today, I'm going to figure out how to stop it from starting automatically first. That gets annoying.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

More Beebles cause I didn't feel like looking for cute and fuzzy. Anyways, not much is up with me, I'm not going to any parties or events. Just sitting around, I think I'm going to watch the original House on Haunted Hill and Planet of the Dinosaurs (they were at k-mart on dvd for 3 bucks each, had to grab them). Or maybe I'll tune in to the Friday the 13th marathon on AMC...whatever. It will be entertaining.
No genmay stories tonight, there was some drama which involved one of my favorite posters to flee, but it's too complicated to explain. I will however put her avatar up because I always found it hilarious:'s supposed to be a gif, I must of did something wrong. The penguin is supposed to be waddling. The Jewish [M]other of [M]ayhem...hopefully she'll come back.

I finally did something about my myspace account, its under marflord if you feel like looking. Nothing special it's actually pretty boring. Like most blogs - you see what I did there?.
Well that's about it for me, life rolls on.

Oh wait, I got my midterm grades (they're not really grades, just estimates that teachers put up, nothing that goes on our permanent record). I got two A's (well, one was minus) in English and Politics and Government, a B in Cultural Geography and a C- in Spanish (not a surprise). My history teacher decided not to post anything.

Good night and have fun Halloweens!

edit: I almost forgot! Listen to the Sugarcubes v. You have to now until you press stop, which you will and thus foil my evil plan :(

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

I sure hope Laurel likes beebles, otherwise she'll never get off my back. Well not much has been going on with me as usual. Just going to class and wasting time on the internet (in particular Gen[M]ay).
On a Genmay side note, things have changed a little for me there...someone (a poster named Camel Mix who had been nameraped to My_Threads_Suck_KC_Me) started a 30k (every poster has a UID number in the order they signed up. There are up to over 38,000 now. of course most of them are not active but thats alot) Adoption Center thread. As usual it was unorganized and falling into spam, so to save it i took out my notebook and wrote out who wanted to be adopted by who and all that and posted a massive update. I kept doing this and there are many adopted newbs because of this.
This got me noticed and for my contribution I was given a title "Allmighty Keeper and Distributer of the Orphans of Genmay", an avatar and a new name. barflord. I was most pleased. Then the name of the thread was changed too Barflord's Adopt a n00b thread. It's doing quite well actually, though of course its mostly people chatting. I can't keep order. Oh, and this all cost somebody around $50. yeah.

So that's my boring genmay story for the post. In other news I got a B+ on that Spanish test I complained about awhile ago, I have a couple of papers to, schoolworks boring.

I went to see Doom with Katie, Taylor and Shawn. It was pretty much what I expected, it was badly written but it was entertaining so it's worth watching eventually for a few good laughs. Also I saw a rather funny preview for a movie called Slither. It's been too long since they came out with a gross alien/monster movie.

I suppose that's enough for now.

fake edit: Listen to the Sugarcubes already
fake edit2: mandatory 'listen to the Sugarcubes line per myles post satisfied'

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

I don't have much to say, just finishing settling in. The wounds of visiting home are almost healed...Anyway, I watched the new Lost, South Park and Drawn Together (each more controversial and hilarious then the last. I know DT is in poor taste but it makes me laugh).

I have the first 14 episodes of season 1 and the first 2 episdoes of season 2 on my computer (I mentioned this but, I figured it was worth a repost) if anyones interested I could burn or send them via aim to you. Yes, yes I know shame on me.

I'm still obsessed with the Sugarcubes. I know, I said I would never mention them again but I'm stubborn, if I'm in possession of copywrited material unlawfully, my morals are shattered and I can try and force a pop rock band from iceland into your ears.

I did find one extremely cool trailer. I suspect its going to be a hit.

That's all for now,

good nite

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Alright, some of you may have noticed I was glooming about this last week. And it's not entirely because I've become lost in the all encompassing despair that is society or life...or whatever gets those kids down these days.
I set off from school in reasonably good spirits, I knew there was potential danger with Alesha, but that wasnt fasing me...much. The trip home was alright, when we rolled into Bellows Falls it was nice seeing how things didn't change (I want expecting much anyway after six weeks), we dropped off Troy and saw Dustin (who lives at Troys now--long story) and was surprised that he has chopped off his italian fro. It looks just like freshman year again before we decided to grow out our metal (and in my case hippie) hair. Whatever.
I get to my sister's house (as I was going to go to dinner with her before going home) --her first words?
"Geeze, it took you long enough...damn whats that on your face?"
So I hadnt shaved in a long time...give me a break, my shaver was messed up. Yes I know electric razers suck, but its all I've ever used. *obilgatory 'don't judge me' motif*
Anyway, Michelle (my older sister for those of you who need clarifying) began complaining about pretty much everything. Well not really, but a few things at length. In the end we decided to just get take-out at mom and dad's. A fine idea
Once we got there, Matt (my brother for those blah blah) immedietly wanted to use Michelle's dirtbike, she protested because it was wet. Matt bellowed his rebutal and Mom and Dad began chipping in. I quietly dragged my stuff to my room --or what WAS my room (I'll explain in the next paragraph). I've always been very non-confrontational when it comes to the family feuds. I try to clean up the mess afterwards.
Anyway, I went down the hall and pushed open my door and discovered to my delight that the room I had leftover from packing (a few favorites on the shelves, my desk, my bed and a couple of pictures) was buried under loads of plastic storage bins, loose paper, junk, tag-sale left-overs, bad paperbacks and the computer desk from the living room. The two small bookcases had been stripped and pulled away from the walls and stuff piled behind them, my bunk-bed (yes, I know) was a shelving unit for more storage boxes, my bureau had been shoved into the closet along with the books I had left out (boxed of course for inconvienance). My desk was buried - the old comp. monitor even had stuff stacked on it! The only thing about it that didn't want to make me cry was that the record player was still set up. Of course I had to unearth and reconnect the speakers.
It was a mess. As I stared at this wasteland I could hear the traditional argument escalating. Perfect.
In the end Matt took the bike anyway, and the rest of us got chinese take-out. They forgot the fortune cookies. Of course. A lovely first-evening-back-from-college.
I really didn't expect more, I knew they were going to change my room around, I just didnt expect them to make it completely unlivable. I had to shove a bookcase aside to get to my bed so I could clear it of boxes so I could sleep. That merits an emo sigh. I don't care.
The next morning I got up at 7am to be ready for the trip to Conn. We left at noon. Of course. Once the long drive down (made longer by the start of torrential rains) was done we decided to skip the friend with the annoying daughter +, we went to Old Glory ++ (got a Goonies and McGruff t-shirts). They didn't have any adult swim shirts left in stock. -. But still ahead. I didn't get any band shirts because all they had were Grateful Dead and new stuff. Yeah.
After we visited another family friend (my parents met him living out of his truck, he is now rich from an excercise machine company. Someone found the American dream at least).
The rest of the week is me sitting at home watching movies, with a small break or me sitting at the computer 'doing homework' at my sisters for two days.
My highlights are: Re-watchiing Exile and The Goonies. Also The Broken Hearts Club (on IFC...of course) was actually pretty funny. Also I read most of the sixteenth annual collection of the Year's Best Sci-Fi. Those collections always have a ton of great stuff in them.
I don't know, the week kind of sucked because I didn't see anyone. I wish I could have made it to D+D or gone somewhere. Not having a car blows.
Well, I think I've typed for too long I should be revising an essay....and writing a new one. It never ends.
Now that you've all skipped to the bottom, hi. Night.

fake edit: What was me having a Satchell moment...besides now. I'm confused.

real edit: my last (promise!) attempt to get you hooked on Sugarcubes. Here you can listen to some might have to sign up. Its worth it, the whole website has tons of stuff about music. Hence the name.

Friday, October 07, 2005

I figured I should make this last post right now because I'll likely be cut off from the interent over break. Damn my stone age parents...But anyway, thank you Laura (aka Jess's mom) for the help with the hand thing. I'll get it checked out.
We're just waiting for Troy to finish a test he has and we'll be on our way home. I'll probably go to my sisters house first and go to dinner and then I'll be home and in bed early for once. Because I found out that I'm going to connecticut tomorrow! Which should be alright as long as my mom's friends daughter doesnt annoy me. Katie knows how much of a pest Alesha is.
I feel like Calvin saying that, but this girl redefines pest.
So not much else to say, I signed up to facebook and got into the cool crowd. Of course most of you knew that....Eh, well, hopefully I'll see some of you this weekend or next week!
Have an awesometastic vactation you guys!

Thursday, October 06, 2005

A quick health-type question...

For the past week or so, my pinky and ring fingers on my left hand and about halfway down one side of my left forearm have been numb. I figure its just poor circulation, but if any of you could shed some light on it that would be good. It would be my luck that I've been having an extended heart attack for a week.
Thanks, I'll post more later. I've got to get to work.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Back by Popular demand...Well the reason I haven't posted for a few days is because, as usual nothing interesting is going on with me.
But if you insist, I'll talk about what occupies far to much of my time: Internet Dharma. I post primarily on - I do not suggest you sign up, they tend to strike out against new people. And espcially since most who read this I assume are female, you will be barraged with requests for . Even by the girl members. Just because they think it's funny. Then they will criticize everything you do and what you look like, potentially paying to change your name or to ban you for an extended period of time. If you didn't sign up to the forum years ago you're not wanted. Its a harsh community. But anyway, I spend alot of my time there. Recently a kid was stupid enough to post his ENTIRE permit on Genmay so prove that he just got it. He didn't edit any of the information, he realized his mistake to late and it was quoted and the information was saved. Genmay proceded to scour the internet for free offers and signed him up to everything from (seriously) NAMBLA, the KKK and to visits from members of various religious groups to his house. He also was sent around 5-8000 free boxes, free urine bags, subscriptions to shopping and porn magazines. Needless to say, even though some felt sorry for him. We all laughed our asses off. Especially when he came back on to post that he would get his families lawyer to sue Genmay and get them shut down.
The admin scoffed and sent him a subscription to playgirl
Then someone dug up his Myspace and Xanga accounts and everyone declared him to be an emo idiot. His posts consisted of him talking about how his parents sucked, the girl he liked not recognizing his existence (this came with poetry), and the phrase 'fucking raw fucking power'. That's where I stopped having sympathy for him.
He posted his personal info on a public forum and...he got owned. Badly.

Its stuff like that that makes me continue to post on Genmay.

In other forum news, Shiroi Kumo from FA (for those of you who went there) made his final dramatic exit and spammed enough to anger Amitrius to ban him. There was much rejoicing from most everyone except a few new people who barely count. I love being an elitist on the internet.

In real life, things are doing fine. Classes are not to bad, alot of work but nothing crippling. I have yet to go to a college party and it doesnt look like I will in the future unless I meet up with Ryan and go with him. But I'm not sure if I really would get into that kind of thing. The two times I did drink it was with close friends, drinking with random people doesnt sound as fun. Last night some kid apparantly tried to kill himself (or was just being emo and cutting himself, no one is sure). Needless to say he probably won't be coming back this semester. And I think to myself, do I want to get involved in that nonsense? Actually, yes. Well, without the whole cutting thing. I could do without that. But giving myself the drunk-driving test all night again would probably be fun. Z-Y-X-ummmm.......

I am so tired, I was tired yesterday, but last night I reached that point of exhaustion where you can't go to sleep. Someone was blaring music at 3:30 in the morning, FROM THE NEXT DORM. And I could still hear it. There is a special place for that kind of person. It was not fun taking that Cultural Geography test this morning at 8. But I think I did alright.

I really can't think of much else to write about...I'm still listening to alot of Sugarcubes. If you havent checked them out. Do. Geeze, I've been whoring Bjork for so long now I should get paid. I really can't wait for October Break to start. Just to be able to eat real food, lie down on a real DOUBLE bed and make nonsense noises at the kitties. The best thing is my Dad has already had the wood stacked, its to late to have to mow the no chores when I get back. Swish.

Wow, no one has said that since the mid-90's.

I'll leave off for now. I want to see if I can take a nap before Spanish.