And So Its Come to This........... a Blog

Why bother with creative original content when one can post the minutiae of a numbingly average life?

Thursday, September 29, 2005

So this is what posting in the day time feels like...
Yesterday was Troy's 19th birthday, so there was some fun had. We didn't hang out much because our schedules are opposite (he takes evening classes). Though it was funny, he wore a cone birthday hat all day. He got a large teddy bear from one girl and it was promptly named Mr. Snuggles. he got a few other things, I got him a large Fear and Loathing Poster with Johnny Depp looking insane and the first line of the book on it.
There was a buy 2 get one free poster sale at the campus center, so it was easy getting him the gift. I got a Mallrats movie poster and a very fed up Kevin Spacey American Beauty poster.
Troy had alot of fun, which is good, because he worries alot about his parents, not that he says anything, but..well, you know

The power was out for around three hours after a massive rain storm. I was shelving books and it sounded like a hurricane. Everyone in the library got up at the same time and walked up to the picture windows. (I know, smart idea right?). It was so cool, nature was getting over something.
It sucked later on when i was in the heart of the stacks and the lights went out. I almost crashed the cart into the shelves a billion times finding my way back up to the front desk.
Well I have to get to Spanish. They just had to get the power back up.

Wow, I need to find more light-hearted pictures. But I guess it fits.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

I shelved books for an hour and a half today. HURRAY!
I'm pretty excited about it. About a quarter of them were from a ginoromous text called "The War of the Rebellion" published in 1881 and containing all information about the Civil War from battle plans, to correspondance, to the solidiers inlisted. It must have over 50 thick volumes. I know where to go if I'm doing a Civil War paper. I don't know why I mentioned it either.
I was bored again today (I'm sorry Laurel, it happens). But hopefully, starting tomorrow I'm going to start catching up on my reading, writing and online bullshits homework. I'm sick to death of boredom. I'm not having fun slacking so whats the point?
We couldnt do home run derby tonight because the bat snapped in half. Well, that's dollar store for you.
Leah: I'll ask my suitemate if he knows you right now. On second thought you'd better e-mail your Matt. Umm. my suitemate is indisposed as of now. His girlfriend is visiting...connect the dots.
I wish there was more than ten inches of drywall between our rooms. Not that I hear anything, but...still. I can't be sure thats what their doing but
Discussion closed.

Just kidding. This blog needed some funneh. He says he doesnt know anyone named Leah. Sorry. I'm tired and I thought it would amused me.

On a final note, I think you (Leah still) and Laurel should get pictures for your blogs. Oh and Katie I am very upset you havent linked me to your blog yet.
Serios replys only I'm fucking crying about this.

Wow. I am tired when I start using genmayisms.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

I really don't know why I'm making a new post. Nothing is going on with me, I'm just bored I guess.
I saw Batman Begins finally (it was shown in the auditorium). It was sweet. The best Batman ever. I'm still unsure about them re-making the Batman with Joker in it. Its such a classic.
All I know is they better not mess with Batman Returns. We all know what happened then!
It is best if we do not speak of it.
Next week they're going to show Crash, which I heard was good, but I really have no idea what it's about. Have any of you guys seen it? Yay or nay?
Coming up they're going to show Hitchhiker, Amityville (IT HAPPENED!!!!), the Interpreter and others. I think I'll go see them. Movies are fun.
I got my memory essay back: A- :cool: I'm pretty happy about it. It would have been more except I have a problem with run-on's and can be vague. Who would have thought? Also, the politics test was easy, I don't know why I freaked over it so much.
Well that's all with me. Good night (or, well...good morning :p)

Sunday, September 25, 2005

So this weekend was when your family is supposed to come visit you. My mom was the only one that came, but that's alright, everyone was busy with work.
It's funny, even though I was a little homesick earlier this week, I didn't really feel any homesickness from seeing my mom. We talked for a little bit about a family reunion with the French-Canadiens (my mom's mother's family) that I missed, about the state of things at home (the same), and how I was doing (fine).
We went out to eat at the Rutland Buffet because I was going through withdrawel from no General Tso's Chicken.
The food was okay. Nothing compares to Joy Wah. After dinner we stopped at a used book store and I picked up Deus-X by Joseph Citro (Lake Monsters was decent, so I'll give this a shot), Foundation by Isaac Asimov (I'm surprised I havent read it yet too) and a goosebumps book I was missing from my collection. Obligatory don't judge me sentence here. I figure if I get back in the mood for reading before A Feast for Crows comes out I'll be prepared. After that it was a quick hug good-bye. All in all, it was a pretty standard affair.
Television and reading has conditioned me to beleive that something special should go on during stuff like that, but its all so...ordinary. *flicks music to 'The Kids Aren't Alright' by The Offspring - hey, its the closest I have to emo angst on my computer*
I still spend to much time on this computer, I am an active poster on four forums and could sign up to more. Urg. I don't want my life to turn into Shiroi's.
One activity my suite has gotten into is wiffle ball home run derby. We got to the tennis courts and try to hit balls over the fence. Myself being the kid in gym who needed the T set up, am in last, but I'm improving. Surprisingly none of the tennis players mind our taking one of the courts as our field.
I've rambled suffiently long enough. Oh wait, I found another disturbingly hilarious webcomic. Sam espcially should get a kick out of it: The Perry Bible Fellowship
Well I'm off to studying for a politics test.


Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Yes, that previous post would have been for yesterday if my page hadn't started acting up. I decided to keep it and post it anyway. I've got nothing more to say except I'm glad its working again. It irked me greatly

I was late for work today, I slept in and arrived a half-hour late. When I walked in I looked at both clocks bewildered.
The head librarian asks: "You look confused Myles, what's wrong?"
Me: "I'm late."
Librarian: "Hmm, yes you are. Why?"
Me: "I don't know. That is sooooooo weird."
She looks at me oddly.
So now, I'm a stoner/crack addict/idiot. But I still do good work so it all worked out fine in the end.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Meh, remember that Geography report I was doing? Of course you do because you've read every post I've ever made. But anyway, I didn't finish it. My professor was awesome about it. He's really an okay guy, he just can't lecture that well....He said I could hand in the paper tomorrow or Thursday without any penalty because the first paper I did for him rocked. (I didn't think so, but he liked it. I turned three paragraphs into 4 pages. Jessica, you've corrupted me.) So that's cool. I'm going to finish that up soon...maybe.

Today I didn't hate Spanish. I was shocked too, usually as soon as I get in to that room I think about getting out of it. But today I actually didnt mind it so much. I still don't like the class, but I'm growing more tolerant of it. She still has us do the online blackboard bullshits though. Which irks me greatly.

Since we were bored, and Shawn is willing to drive around (mostly because he had to buy The Longest Yard as soon as possible), we went to Coconuts. NEVER LET ME IN A MUSIC STORE. I'll spend all my monies. I restricted myself to the used CD section though, and I still found two gems (I know, who buys music anymore? honestly.)

The S
mashing Pumpkins - Gish for 9.99

Which I have been wanting forever, but been unable to find for under 15.00 (my personal max for music)


The Sugarcubes - Stick Around for Joy for 8.99

I've only recently gotten into this band, but they are almost impossible to find so you've got to grab this stuff when it appears. I hope this reapperance doesnt curse this post too.

Is there some signifigance that the two albums I bought, the first album from the first band I paid serious attention to, and the the other the last album of the latest artist I'm obsessed with? I should get out my tinfoil hat. We also went to the dollar store next door and bought a wiffle bat and ten balls, as well as two toy guns. Boys will be boys.

That's about all I have to say for now, I dared the kool aid again and felt fine so that homesickness has passed for now. Hopefully things are going better for Katie's suite. I really don't have anything else to say. Good night.

edit: after I finally got this thing working, I realized something. The Sugarcubes did curse this post! Damn. I can never mention them again. :(

Monday, September 19, 2005

Well it seems that The Sugarcubes scared you away, but thats all right. I decided, even though I don't have anything to talk about I would make a new post before going to bed: its 1:30, and I am a very tired person that has to wake up in a few hours for Politics.
I'm begining to feel a little homesick now, Taylor came back from home and he brought some kool-aid pouches.
As soon as I tasted it, I missed home. I wanted that kool-aid from a large jar.
Damn strange thing to miss.
Well, good-night. I'll probably edit this post tomorrow afternoon if no ones commented yet (which is whats going to happen).


edit 1: Oh, I forgot, that webcomic I linked to is extremly strange and might not be to all of your tastes. I got a little weirded out by some (well, most) of it.

edit2: testing to see if this works

Saturday, September 17, 2005

The Sugarcubes FTW!!!!!

Right, as I mentioned in my previous post, I :heart: The Sugarcubes. I strongly suggest you get some of their stuff. It is most excellent. It sucks that they broke up (why do I keep finding bands only after they've been gone for more than a decade?). I've been listening to them for several days and I'm not begining to tire of their awesomeness. I could rant for several hundred thousand words in this same manner, boring you all to hell. Because you know what? You could care less as to what I'm listening to, which is cool.

This weekend is so far what I expected, I stayed in my room until it was time to go to work and after I got out, I went back into my room.

I need to learn how to mingle. Growing up in Westminster made it so I can't really cope without a security network of people I've known my whole life to cling too. The problem is theres nothing productive to do! Everyone else still here is as bored as I am, instead of the internet, they have Maddon Football for the X-box. Oh, and speaking of the internet I found this really strange webcomic. I had to stop reading it at work because I was in danger or bursting into laughter. No matter how lenient they are, its still not the BF library where one could laugh freely.

On another topic, I really need to clean my room. Or at least my half. Its like someone drew a perfect line between me and Taylor's halves, his being orderly and neat, mine being buried in newspapers, cans, little cebbies wrappers and laundry....which I need to do by the way, I'm out of socks. Oddcouple anyone?

I'm really not interesting right now. Its been a boring weekend, and I've successfully put off two major essays (ones just a rewrite, the other I have no clue) until now, so I shouldnt be doing this at all, but somehow I'm finding I could care less. (I can hear your heads shaking! What did I say about judging!) They'll get done in time. In theory.

As I may have mentioned, I have to read the New York Times for a class, and its been making me think about whats happening right now. With the tragedy of Hurrican Katrina, the potential appointment of Roberts for Supreme Court Justice, and the everpresent conflicts in Iraq, I'm not sure whats going to be the result of all this. Its just so much bad news, thousands dead, corruption of charities, reversal of Roe v. Wade, suicide bombings, failure of government....Its just makes me sad. I would like, just once, for there to be a headline saying "LITTLE GIRL LOVES HER KITTEN" or something. Geeze, this blog is making me all emo. i should have started this post with a picture of Dashboard Confessional or Linken Park. I wish I knew how to say what my feelings are about the world right now. But all I can do is ramble on and on, not really saying anything. :(

Well I'm boring, and tired, so here's some pictures of Bjork for content:

I was going to put the middle one on top of the post, but its disturbing....actually all the pictures are. Enjoy.

I'll post more when I have something of interest to say.

Friday, September 16, 2005

.....I know, I found it in google and it deeply disturbed me.

Right, lets try this again. I am a freshman at Castleton State College, I'm hoping to be a History major and you know what? Everyone thats going to read this already knows me. So I'll cut with the bullshit.

I'm doing all right for now, getting settled in and things have almost settled to the point of monotony. Hurrah for progress. I am especially bored today because everyone (i.e. Taylor, Katie, Shwan, Troy and most likely Ryan) has left for the weekend. My shield is gone! I have to fend for myself now. And it just plain sucks. :angst:

I spend most of my time in my room, nursing an addiction to the internet (not helped at all mind you by Firefox's Stumble program) and listening to music. Right now I am addicted to The Sugarcubes and Bjork, which confuses me. I'm surprised at how good this stuff is.

So now I want to go to Iceland because obviously this one band reflects the entire attitude and lifestyle of an entire nation.

I had to spend $600 on books.

That deserves its own paragraph - don't you DARE judge me!

Anyway, the classes I like are English Comp. and American Politics and Government. I'm surprised too, but politics are interesting!

I pretty much loathe Spanish and Cultural Geography, one because I can't grasp it the other because the teacher is boring-think:

Yes. It is that bad, on the first day of class, he told us about how for fun he researched when most of the stone walls in Vermont and he discovered that WOW they were built when sheep-farming was the biggest 'industry' during the early to mid 1800's. I was fascinated. My fifth class is a history course, but I'm not sure about it yet. The Professor is a combination of Zielinski and Lancaster, but she has a tiny grip on reality. The class is boring so far but I think it has potential. Some anyway.

Now its time to pass through roomate land, most (if not all) of you know that my roomate is Taylor. He's getting along fine and we're not hating each other yet so all is good all is well. Hopefully. The other six people in my suite seem like cool people, I just need to get to know them better, which knowing me won't be until graduation. Right next door is the RA, Ray (who introduced me to stumble....damn him) and his roomate Matt. They are both upperclassmen but the rest are freshmans. Mike and Eric live across the common room, Mike's from Mass. near Boston and Eric's from Fall Mountain. And Shawn from BF is in the last room with his roomate Kevin who only shows up to sleep, otherwise he's partying and I assume classes. They're all pretty cool people though. No random goths or social misfits (excluding myself, lol very funny am i rite?!1).

I'll get to other people of interest in another post, I accidently deleted half of this one and had to retype it. I am a very impatient person right now. So, thank you for reading this much, or skimming this far, its all good.

Read you later! (I know, I died a little inside writing that)


Monday, September 05, 2005

Shit. I'm a dumbass and deleted everything I just wrote.

I'm going to kill myself now